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Thread: PIP right after injection

  1. #1

    PIP right after injection

    Hallo, I did my first two shots saturday and sunday 250 mg Test E from OSAKA HORMONE CO ( 1 ml ) left delt on saturday right on sunday, I did pull back, no blod ( used a 23 G 1 inch needle on the left and a 25 G 1 inch on the right all the way in )
    the shot was sloppy, when it was in my mid delt I accendely moved it arout during the shot and so on ( cant really rech my delt properly )
    I didnt warm up the gear or enything, pulled out quich after no blood at all, but on both left and right it started hurting right after ( like your really sore )
    no redness, minimum swelling, no warmth. still hurts like IM sore today ( 48 hours time )

    read that the gear can crystolaise in the arm and that hurts, what are the signs of that ?

    Thanks for the help
    Last edited by accingersi; 04-09-2018 at 04:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    It’s virgin muscle it’s going to hurt. Why did you pin Saturday and Sunday ? You did pin different areas?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    X2 what Cape said.. Why pin with a 23g then a 25g ?. Hmmm strange, like you said you were moveing it about so it will be sore.

    You will get better at it over time.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    It’s virgin muscle it’s going to hurt. Why did you pin Saturday and Sunday ? You did pin different areas?
    Thanks for replies I do 500 mg a week so i split 250 between two days did first in my left delt then right, shouldnt I do that ?
    Last edited by accingersi; 04-09-2018 at 04:32 PM.

  5. #5
    I thought the 23 was injecting to Quick so I tought that coused the pain.

    Bur you guys dont its due too the gear crystalizing ? ( no swelling to speak of or redness )

    Rather due to my bad injection ( moving around and so on ) ?

    And Osaka Hormone CO Test E isnt the couse ? ( what I’ve read its One of the best / better steroid manufacturer )

    New to these just a bit worried

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    first time i ever injected it was with a 25g, no experience at all with Pinning and i was thinking to myself "f*ck me this is hard to squeeze down on" so i just squeezed as hard as i could and it went in.. about an hour later it started hurting with a little redness but it went away after 48hrs. i've done it slowly since give it a wipe with alcohol wipe and a massage and it's been golden since.

    your situation could be different tho but i dunno. I never warm up my gear or anything.

    But ye if the pain has gone away by now it's just bad injection. If it was an infection you'd know.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    space your injections 3.5 days apart Monday morning Thursday evening (although just 3 or 4 days apart ain't gonna matter)

    shoulder is a rough spot for first injection. especially 1 ml.

    also, did you switch tips after drawing to a fresh tip? those stoppers dull up pin real good.

    also DO NOT DO FRONT DELT. side shoulder is good

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    So you are a weekend juicer?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I personally can't pin in delts I get pain everytime.. but i have buddies that that's all they do.. depends on gear etc but I like doing it in the glute (no homo)

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    space your injections 3.5 days apart Monday morning Thursday evening (although just 3 or 4 days apart ain't gonna matter)

    shoulder is a rough spot for first injection. especially 1 ml.

    also, did you switch tips after drawing to a fresh tip? those stoppers dull up pin real good.

    also DO NOT DO FRONT DELT. side shoulder is good
    Yeah I did switch (not the first time but the second)

    Even though its a long Ester i should space it Out that far ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    So you are a weekend juicer?
    Quote Originally Posted by dcycles View Post
    I personally can't pin in delts I get pain everytime.. but i have buddies that that's all they do.. depends on gear etc but I like doing it in the glute (no homo)
    IM gonna try the glute this time

  12. #12
    So I shouldnt worry about it ? that it was most likely due to my bad injection technique ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by accingersi View Post
    So I shouldnt worry about it ? that it was most likely due to my bad injection technique ?
    Obviously noone can tell you that but if it was me.. no swelling.. no puffy redness.. your gtg just bad injection into new tender muscle.. when I first started I remember worrying about every injection eventually you get used to it and start to understand how your body responds to it and what mistakes you either made or if your candy is giving you to much pip

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