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Thread: stimulant compound interactions with hormones

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    stimulant compound interactions with hormones

    Is there any direct literature on how steroids/growth factors affect how stimulant drugs and similar drugs work?

    I remember reading T3 upregulates beta receptors but that's all I really could find (hence the popularity of clen+T3), couldn't find anything about androgens interactions with stimulants.

    From what I've experienced a sufficient subQ injection of tren ace/suspension has some very profound CNS effects as well, not euphoric like an amphetamine-like drug but certainly has some painkilling properties.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Is there any direct literature on how steroids/growth factors affect how stimulant drugs and similar drugs work?

    I remember reading T3 upregulates beta receptors but that's all I really could find (hence the popularity of clen+T3), couldn't find anything about androgens interactions with stimulants.

    From what I've experienced a sufficient subQ injection of tren ace/suspension has some very profound CNS effects as well, not euphoric like an amphetamine-like drug but certainly has some painkilling properties.
    hi this is just from my personal experience but being addicted to stimulants suppressed my hpta once i came off them. i was addicted to the old jack3d and then craze for like 3 years or something. taking it 5x a week. i eventually decided to stop cold turkey and felt like shit for months and then a year passed and i knew something was wrong and my test came back at 150. i never understood the mechanism but im sure there is a strong connection.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Closhmo View Post
    hi this is just from my personal experience but being addicted to stimulants suppressed my hpta once i came off them. i was addicted to the old jack3d and then craze for like 3 years or something. taking it 5x a week. i eventually decided to stop cold turkey and felt like shit for months and then a year passed and i knew something was wrong and my test came back at 150. i never understood the mechanism but im sure there is a strong connection.
    I loved the old jack3d!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    i read that coffee (caffeine) also increases your testosterone directly.

    what symptoms did you have? no motivation?

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