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Thread: Injectable Dianabol dosage

  1. #1

    Injectable Dianabol dosage

    Hello Guys
    I have use 35 years ago original injectable dianabol. was my first steroid cycle and i am really exloding in 8 weeks.
    Since this time i have use never again it was not existing on market.
    now i have become some stuff from undergruond label 50 mg / ml in 10 ml bottle.
    i can nothing found really serious info to the dosage is different to the tablet and i hate all form of tablet.
    Unfortunately i cant remember wich dosage i have use it in the past.
    Have you serious info or have use it self ,please give me an answer.
    Best Regards

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    injectible Dianabol is not as potent as oral Dbol, but it has a bit longer half life.

    IF you wanted to get the effects of like 30+ mg of oral Dbol . then run the injectible at 50 mg per day (thats one full cc/ml). you'll need quite a few bottles

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    injectible Dianabol is not as potent as oral Dbol, but it has a bit longer half life.

    IF you wanted to get the effects of like 30+ mg of oral Dbol . then run the injectible at 50 mg per day (thats one full cc/ml). you'll need quite a few bottles

    You will get varying opinions on that. Some swear the inject version is better. I've always gotten such good results on the oral I never
    seen the need for another injection in my regimen.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    You will get varying opinions on that. Some swear the inject version is better. I've always gotten such good results on the oral I never
    seen the need for another injection in my regimen.
    oh yeah I agree with that. heck I'll get varying opinions from people on politics that can't even define the term "politician" . or people telling me how a new mustang is better then a new camaro (from guys that have never owned either one).

    on paper though as well as through my personal experience --

    what do you think is going to get you drunker the most quickly
    8 shots of whisky in an hour
    8 shots of whisky spaced over 8 hours

    Oral dbol is more like the former and injectible Dbol is more like the latter (this just from my practical experience using them over the years and from my research knowledge of how each compound is metabolized).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    oh yeah I agree with that. heck I'll get varying opinions from people on politics that can't even define the term "politician" . or people telling me how a new mustang is better then a new camaro (from guys that have never owned either one).

    on paper though as well as through my personal experience --

    what do you think is going to get you drunker the most quickly
    8 shots of whisky in an hour
    8 shots of whisky spaced over 8 hours

    Oral dbol is more like the former and injectible Dbol is more like the latter (this just from my practical experience using them over the years and from my research knowledge of how each compound is metabolized).
    Fwiw, mustangs fucking suck.

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