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Thread: Do you need to take an ai at end of cycle if you don’t during

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Do you need to take an ai at end of cycle if you don’t during

    I’m in a mild cycle, 1ml test and eq per week along with hcg.

    I have an ai just in case. I was going to run nolva on cycle if needed but as it’s not much test and eq is antiesstrogenic (if that’s the word lol) I decided I won’t run either.

    I feel nips everyday but so far all good.

    So what happens to all that estrogen when I stop injecting test. Do I need to do something about it?
    Ive been told it could hinder sex drive, and ability to get it up and even pct. I never really thought about what happens to the excess estrogen??

  2. #2
    So this is a good question. It's dependant in the individual and the symptoms. Also what you're going for. For example: when I ran 200 mg of test c every week I had no issues with side effects. I upped the dose to 400 mg and my E2 shot up and with 30 mg of dianabol on top I started to get gyno. With lower doses I wouldn't worry about AI until after cycle. As well I would save the hcg for a faster pct instead of using it on cycle.

    But you can always get blood work for definitive answers on where your E2 levels are at and adjust from there.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    You don't take AI's after cycle.

    Even if you did during cycle, you stop before pct.

    Pct is to get hormones back in balance.

    Suppressing one of your most important hormones is going to drastically hinder recovery

    Jaredaero, where did you find this info? As it is not even close to being remotely correct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    I'm not sure your exact dosage your running , but from this thread and your other thread I'm gathering that your running 1ml total combined eq and test per week, so 1/2 ml of each .. which would be like 150mg of test per week with 150mg of eq per week.

    if thats the dosage then you don't have any "all that extra estrogen" to worry about. that dosage of test is a replacement dosage, and the EQ has anti estrogen properties and the longer you run EQ it actually begins lowering your estrogen.
    so again, you don't have any extra estrogen to worry about. your blood serum levels of estrogen right now while on cycle are probably perfectly within normal range. . . which personally I don't see as a good thing while on cycle. if your trying to run a cycle to put on muscle your really wanting to having both elevated androgen and elevated estrogen levels. but your current cycle dosages are not going to allow for either of these things.

    the last thing you'd want to do while on cycle with that low of dosages is touch an AI . you'll likely kill your gains even more and possibly shut down sex drive and other things.

    now to answer your question more directly. IF you were running say a good 600-1000mg of test per week and getting those elevated androgen and estrogen levels . then YES going into pct (just before) its a good idea to run an AI . I generally recommend guys start an AI (with long ester test cycles) about two weeks before the cycle ends and then run it for 2 weeks post cycle along with your HCG just before beginning your actual PCT of nolva and clomid.

    in your case though, with the cycle your running . your estrogen may be on the low end by time your start PCT anyways that you wouldn't need to worry about an AI or estrogen control at the end

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm not sure your exact dosage your running , but from this thread and your other thread I'm gathering that your running 1ml total combined eq and test per week, so 1/2 ml of each .. which would be like 150mg of test per week with 150mg of eq per week.

    if thats the dosage then you don't have any "all that extra estrogen" to worry about. that dosage of test is a replacement dosage, and the EQ has anti estrogen properties and the longer you run EQ it actually begins lowering your estrogen.
    so again, you don't have any extra estrogen to worry about. your blood serum levels of estrogen right now while on cycle are probably perfectly within normal range. . . which personally I don't see as a good thing while on cycle. if your trying to run a cycle to put on muscle your really wanting to having both elevated androgen and elevated estrogen levels. but your current cycle dosages are not going to allow for either of these things.

    the last thing you'd want to do while on cycle with that low of dosages is touch an AI . you'll likely kill your gains even more and possibly shut down sex drive and other things.

    now to answer your question more directly. IF you were running say a good 600-1000mg of test per week and getting those elevated androgen and estrogen levels . then YES going into pct (just before) its a good idea to run an AI . I generally recommend guys start an AI (with long ester test cycles) about two weeks before the cycle ends and then run it for 2 weeks post cycle along with your HCG just before beginning your actual PCT of nolva and clomid.

    in your case though, with the cycle your running . your estrogen may be on the low end by time your start PCT anyways that you wouldn't need to worry about an AI or estrogen control at the end
    Thanks for the info.
    I’m actually running 1 ml of each per week, 1/2 ml each mon/thur. sorry for the confusion. Does this change anything?

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