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Thread: Myostatin Inhibitor / GDF-8

  1. #1
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    Jun 2018

    Myostatin Inhibitor / GDF-8

    I have just recently heard about what is known as the myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin, for those who don’t know, is a protein that inhibits the growth of muscle/proliferation of skeletal tissue. There are photos out there of cows with a genetic modification that stops them from producing myostatin and allows them to get very... beefy.

    I searched online and found a few companies that sell some myostatin inhibiting peptides. I’m completely clueless about this, about the legality, efficacy, etc. It seems like this would be a very powerful compound, if it is what they say it is. Any of you have experience with this or more knowledge?

  2. #2
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    most mysotatin inhibitors work through follistatin as an antagonist . theres very little evidence that this even work though. these products are being sold based on "theory" and nothing more.
    I'd give it another 10 years before we see any real anecdotal evidence on myostatin inhibition. the most probable mysotatin inhibition is likely eventually going to come via genetic or gene coding therapy. basically a virus that is developed that only snips/attacks the myostatin gene in the body (who knows what kind of consequences this may have though).

    the best way to keep myostatin from up regulating at our current disposal is to run only 6-8 week long cycles (after about 8 weeks on cycle myostatin will up regulate) and then switch from there to running just growth factors like HGH, Insulin, IGF , which do not signal up regulation of myostatin like androgens do. that way you can continue to grow.

    after 12-16 weeks on cycle guys will plateu and they think they are 'de sensitized' to the gear. but its more likely that myostatin has just up regulated to a high degree

  3. #3
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    most mysotatin inhibitors work through follistatin as an antagonist . theres very little evidence that this even work though. these products are being sold based on "theory" and nothing more.
    I'd give it another 10 years before we see any real anecdotal evidence on myostatin inhibition. the most probable mysotatin inhibition is likely eventually going to come via genetic or gene coding therapy. basically a virus that is developed that only snips/attacks the myostatin gene in the body (who knows what kind of consequences this may have though).

    the best way to keep myostatin from up regulating at our current disposal is to run only 6-8 week long cycles (after about 8 weeks on cycle myostatin will up regulate) and then switch from there to running just growth factors like HGH, Insulin, IGF , which do not signal up regulation of myostatin like androgens do. that way you can continue to grow.

    after 12-16 weeks on cycle guys will plateu and they think they are 'de sensitized' to the gear. but its more likely that myostatin has just up regulated to a high degree
    I was watching a YouTube guy mentioning this today, which prompted me to make this thread. He was also saying that because of this, there is no point in switching steroids just to “desensitize” or “shock” the body into responding again, because myostatin does not differentiate between the types of androgens. A lot of people sat to switch out compounds at the 8 week mark, for example, to keep the gains coming - and I kind of followed that logic.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I was watching a YouTube guy mentioning this today, which prompted me to make this thread. He was also saying that because of this, there is no point in switching steroids just to “desensitize” or “shock” the body into responding again, because myostatin does not differentiate between the types of androgens. A lot of people sat to switch out compounds at the 8 week mark, for example, to keep the gains coming - and I kind of followed that logic.
    on my thread on AAS usage for long term continual growth

    you'll see that I have the AAS pulled out by week 8 , right around the time mysotatin begins to up regulate and we switch over to things that do not effect myostatin and cruise on those for a bit. I think this is the ideal way to deal with Myostatin and to keep slow steady gains coming.

    however, I still believe compound rotation is beneficial as well as phase cycling (hitting different aspects of growth from different angles), and guys can run cycles longer then 8 weeks and continue to make gains even if myostatin is getting up regulated. I'm not rotating compounds to avoid "de sensitization" at all though

    keep in mind that AAS are all different and unique. each one has its own unique genetic coding that it transcribes to cells. If all you ever ran was Test, then the cells are only ever going to get that information and nothing more. but if your rotating a multitude of different compounds over time, then cells are getting new and unique genetic information with each new compound you take.
    the DNA transcribed to cells from Tren is much different then the DNA transcribed to cells from Var. rotating compounds allows for more information and more potential for muscle growth .

    also, AAS have secondary characteristics outside of androgen receptors and muscle cell growth (protein synthesis). again these characteristics are unique with each different compound and they can help build muscle or have cosmetic effects that can "bypass" myostatin up regulation to a certain degree.

    examples - Tren will act on progestin receptors which will then sensitize estrogen receptors in the liver and the liver will begin producing more IGF (IGF is extremely anabolic apart from the androgen receptor) .. so Tren , apart from just binding to androgen receptors and promoting muscle growth, can help build muscle through secondary ways as well .
    same with every other AAS out there . they all have unique and special secondary characteristics. I could go on and on and make a list of a lot more examples. Like Dbols ability to force water and nutrients into muscle cells, Deca ability to increase blood volume and RBC and help joints, Winstrols ability to block Cortisol, Primos ability to dramatically unregulate protein synthesis even in a deep calorie deficit, etc.

    this is why compound rotation is beneficial.. this is also why properly stacking steroids is important and knowing what primary and secondary characteristics of each compound your putting together do and how those will help with your goals.

    This is also why I may include different AAS with a SARMs cycle.. SARMs are selective. they generally ONLY bind to androgen receptors and promote muscle building and don't have any other secondary characteristics. BUT these secondary characteristics can be pretty darn beneficial, so I may take an AAS with a SARM just for the point of the secondary characteristic itself (eg, I may run and LGD cycle and add 250mg of Deca just for the joint support and anti inflammatory benefits)..

    and one last note on 'Phase Cycling' .. if your going to run a cycle past 8 weeks then phase cycling is the way to go (with compound rotation). if myostatin is going to get unregulated around week 8 , then trying to change growth pathways and 'shock' the body to keep going is a good idea.

    so lets say you start out your phase cycle with
    Phase 1 - Anabolic phase (your running mainly anabolics like primo and deca)..
    your getting good initial growth out of this, but then things are going to slow down around week 8 so we then switch to phase 2

    Phase 2 - Estrogen and volumization phase (your running very high doses of test and things like Ment and Dbol to sky rocket estrogen levels and water retention, and add things like anadrol as well to help volumize your muscle cells) .. this is a much different growth pathway then phase 1 , you'll be adding a lot of size via secondary characteristics

    then your like 12 weeks in by now and things have slowed down and myostatin is definitely unregulated. your likely not building any more new tissue at this point .. well thats fine , lets 'blow up' and cosmetically change and harden the muscle we have built..
    Phase 3 - androgen phase .. you run mainly Androgens in this phase (tren, mast, halotestin).. this is going to provide a dramatic cosmetic effect to your existing muscle. you'll be able to load a lot more glycogen into muscle cells, while losing the extra water retention you were carrying. though your not growing new tissue at this point, your still making dramatic gains in the mirror .

    then after that . you take a break and you cruise for awhile and don't take any androgens. you cruise on things like HGH, T4, Clen, Insulin, Igf, etc.. which have no effect on myostatin and will allow it to down regulate, and they also have no effect on the androgen receptor. you'll be able to make or at least keep gains while off cycle..

    anyhow . thats how you do it no need for "myostatin inhibitors " which probably don't even exist

  5. #5
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    Always fascinating GH.
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  6. #6
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    Awesome read, as always, GH. I like the breakdown of 3 phases. I am around week 7 with Test/Deca/EQ and dropped the EQ last week and upped the test and deca. Doing a little more deca than test at around 900 mg/week total.

    I am actually planning on doing what you said in phase 3, and skipping phase 2. I’m thinking of dropping the deca lower in a couple of weeks and adding masteron at around 350 mg/week. I’ve taken your advice on this cycle as my last, and didn’t run any AI. No SERMs even. I have them if I need them, but I haven’t felt anything yet.

    I guess I’ll have to wait on the myostatin inhibitors for now lol.

  7. #7
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    Wait 10-15 years for the science to catch up (if it even becomes legitimate) or for a pharmaceutical company to patent it.
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