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Thread: "The rule of aspiration to see if no blood comes in the syringe ."

  1. #1

    "The rule of aspiration to see if no blood comes in the syringe ."

    Hello everyone, I am here making this post to tell everyone that I do not aspirate the syringe (half a ml) before injecting.Of course I know my body, I know a little bit of anatomy because I am always studying where blood vessels and veins pass in my body.What stresses me most is doing the aspiration, and I have blood in the fucking syringe!
    What the fuck is this not?
    Other than that, trying to vacuum is a difficult thing when we're doing it alone.One of the muscles I apply the most is the back of the shoulders. Because these are muscle areas that don't run so many blood vessels ...
    I know the right thing is to pull the plunger out of the syringe before injecting to see if no blood comes from the fucking syringe; but I confess that I don't always do that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Aspiration is "old school" . modern day nursing manuals no longer instruct nurses to aspirate . its not necessary

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Glad you brought it up. I read in older threads that injecting in a vein causes the cough and nurses can skip this step because they don't inject oil based solution.

    I still wonder if there's any truth to that^. I also skipped aspiration a few times without problems.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Aspiration is "old school" . modern day nursing manuals no longer instruct nurses to aspirate . its not necessary
    It's good to have you here to give your opinion on this. I always end up hurting my muscles when I try to do that.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Glad you brought it up. I read in older threads that injecting in a vein causes the cough and nurses can skip this step because they don't inject oil based solution.

    I still wonder if there's any truth to that^. I also skipped aspiration a few times without problems.

    I've heard it too and I've read it a lot. I don't know if that's true, but I've heard many mention it about trenbolone cough, but commonly associated when it's injected into a blood vessel.

  6. #6
    Sometimes I've caught myself tasting the medicine on my taste, does this have any connection with not aspirating before injecting?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Sometimes I've caught myself tasting the medicine on my taste, does this have any connection with not aspirating before injecting?
    Not really. This is usually a result of some of the ester ending up in capillaries and very small amounts getting to the lungs. It happens most often with acetate and propionate from what I understand.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Not really. This is usually a result of some of the ester ending up in capillaries and very small amounts getting to the lungs. It happens most often with acetate and propionate from what I understand.

    Thanks Gallowmere!

  9. #9
    @Gallowmere let me know your opinion, about aspiring or not! Tell me what you think about it, brother..........

  10. #10
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    Oct 2019
    I always aspirate and ive read its not really necessary anymore but i like living lol. I do agree its a bitch and im sure ive causes more pip at times fumbling around with the damn need in my quad. Its like all things though u get better. Best advice i can give to anyone injecting is have all of your gear and supplies layed out ready to go.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitmare67 View Post
    I always aspirate and ive read its not really necessary anymore but i like living lol. I do agree its a bitch and im sure ive causes more pip at times fumbling around with the damn need in my quad. Its like all things though u get better. Best advice i can give to anyone injecting is have all of your gear and supplies layed out ready to go.

    I can only aspire quietly into my vast lateral and quadriceps.
    In the shoulder it is easy to perform the procedure too, sometimes the syringe plunger starts to get hard without moving, so it ends up hurting the bro muscle.
    It's awesome!

  12. #12
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    Dec 2014
    Aspiration is not necessary, but i do it every time. I can feel if i hit a vein, when jabbing there is a wierd feeling i get. Its kind of a burning sensation, and everytime its a vein. So now if i feel it i pull it out and jab again. When you aspirate if you get blood in the syringe, just shoot it back into wherever you inject after removing the needle. The oil is sterile, and so is the blood so just shoot it with the oil.

  13. #13
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    Jul 2018
    I don't see the big deal with aspirating. I'm a certified noob and even I have no trouble doing it. It's certainly easier to not do it, and the odds of injecting directly into a blood vessel seem very slim, but if you do this for enough years, especially if you're on TRT, the odds of going in a blood vessel at some point or another become almost inevitable. I mean, after thousands or tens of thousands of shots, you're gonna get unlucky eventually. If that wasn't a possibility, there wouldn't be thousands of posts of people talking how they injected into a vein and thought they were going to die. I heard theoretically you COULD actually die if you injected enough oil into a vein, but I'm not sure what that magic number is. But I don't think I've heard of anyone who actually died though.

    Either way, aspirating just seems like a much lesser headache than dealing with the consequences of getting very unlucky. It's PROBABLY not necessary....but I'd still rather do it.

  14. #14
    Isn't aspiration extremely important on oil based steroid....
    If you hit vein or large blood vessel and inject steroid there's two problems.. Steroid directly in bloodstream and I guess biggest problem oil.. It's a thrombosis traveling through you.. Isn't it like that?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timiaans View Post
    Isn't aspiration extremely important on oil based steroid....
    If you hit vein or large blood vessel and inject steroid there's two problems.. Steroid directly in bloodstream and I guess biggest problem oil.. It's a thrombosis traveling through you.. Isn't it like that?
    put 3cc of oil in a syringe, take a 25g 1" needle , bury it deep into your muscle and TRY your hardest to inject into a vein. after a million tries you still won't be able to do it.
    you know how hard it is to inject into a vein at the surface of the skin, let alone a vein deep in a muscle with only a 25g pin and oil.
    its nearly impossible . you couldn't do it no matter how hard you tried.

    even if by pure luck you actually somehow landed the needle into a vein perfectly, the minute you start pushing the plunger down the pressure of the oil coming out is going to blow the vein back and the needle will no longer be in the vein.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timiaans View Post
    Isn't aspiration extremely important on oil based steroid....
    If you hit vein or large blood vessel and inject steroid there's two problems.. Steroid directly in bloodstream and I guess biggest problem oil.. It's a thrombosis traveling through you.. Isn't it like that?
    also of note.. the steroid would not be directly in the blood stream at all. even if you injected the oil purposely into a vein in your arm. there would be no active steroid in the blood stream , because the steroid would still be bound to the ester.
    a steroid is only free to be unbound in the blood stream once its 'cleaved' from its ester. and the only way a steroid is cleaved from its ester is when its injected as a depot into a muscle, and then enzymes come into that muscle and attach to the depot and begin uncleaving the steroid from the ester

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    also of note.. the steroid would not be directly in the blood stream at all. even if you injected the oil purposely into a vein in your arm. there would be no active steroid in the blood stream , because the steroid would still be bound to the ester.
    a steroid is only free to be unbound in the blood stream once its 'cleaved' from its ester. and the only way a steroid is cleaved from its ester is when its injected as a depot into a muscle, and then enzymes come into that muscle and attach to the depot and begin uncleaving the steroid from the ester
    But how about oil in bloodstream ..what happens with it..doesn't it cause any problems...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timiaans View Post
    But how about oil in bloodstream ..what happens with it..doesn't it cause any problems...
    It’ll cause you to hack like a 50 year smoker for a little while, and make your mouth taste like some alcoholic shit in it for a bit.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    @Gallowmere let me know your opinion, about aspiring or not! Tell me what you think about it, brother..........
    I do it when I reasonably can, especially if I’m in a new muscle that I’m not familiar with. However, I’m not going to go out of my way and risk a shitload of movement of the pin in the muscle to make it happen.

  20. #20
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    I still do it, just cause

    Pretty much everyone in today's medical proffession just jabs, including my surgreon guy

  21. #21
    I never aspirate and never had any problems. I have always injected into my glute.

    Whenever I get a flu shot in my delt, I never see the nurse aspirate; they just jab and it's done

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