Don't quite know what they are called, I bougth them in poland, but Russian text on.
I have red that theres a big chance of estrogen prod in body with those is that true?
Don't quite know what they are called, I bougth them in poland, but Russian text on.
I have red that theres a big chance of estrogen prod in body with those is that true?
Last edited by AntiDrugDude; 07-22-2003 at 06:40 PM.
Russian dbols.... and yes, run an anti e with them.
Originally Posted by bdtr
OH.. ok.. but what anti e should I use with them, and is it necessary to use anti estrogen if I use small dosages meta? (gonna use max 30mg/day) I have 300 tabs to consume
It depends... The only preventitive anti-e i run during cycle is liqudex unless my nips get sore. It also depends if you're prone to gyno or if you know or not, I don't get any symptoms with a gram of test but when i added 100mg of anadrol i started to. Try running nolva 40mg ed if you're really worried. I hope you're not running a dbol only cycle
No Im running 300 tabs of D-Bol 5mgs, 17 sustanons and 20winnys +-
is there possible to buy an anti estrogen at drugstore? and what kind should i buy (this is my 2'nd cycl, my fist was clean Deca)
Don't know too mutch about this stuff..
Thanx for all the answers!!
And i found the miracle medicine its: Flaxseed oil!! It's not only good for anti e but bodybuilders use that as important as with protein and whey.
Searched and read about Flaxseed oil on the net, hope its good stuff, any experience with it?
I take in 50 grams of fat a day strictly from flaxseed oil. It's not an anti-e btw. You'll need some nolvadex, and clomid for post cycle.
Originally Posted by AntiDrugDude
Flax Seed Oil an anti-e...that would be the shit! Where did you get this kind of info?
Originally Posted by aanold
there.. A norwegen site..
I wrote a mail to them, waiting for answer.
Flaxide oil is used often by women going through metapause and does block estrogen receptors... however not NEARLY as effective as nolva, or even clomid...
You will need to get Nolva, a-dex, l-dex or proviron... any of these will be sufficient to save you from gyno.
Found this: ON:
Flaxseed is a good source, not only of ALA but also of lignans. Lignans are one of the main classes of phytoestrogens, the other being the isoflavones, which are found in legumes and beans, particularly soybeans. Enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract convert phytoestrogens to phenolic substances resembling the female hormone oestrogen. These substances show weak oestrogenic activity and anti-estrogenic effects, depending on the tissue and the concentration, and research has been carried out in such areas as menopausal symptoms, breast cancer and osteoporosis. The lignans formed from flaxseed precursors are enterodiol and enterolactone and although many foods contain lignans, flaxseed seems to be the richest source.
Ill rather use Nolvadex thx..
Good info. I've always thought of Flax Seed Oil as one of the essential supplements any bodybuilder should be taking, so I'm happy to see more good news about it.
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