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Thread: Dbol or Adrol less suppressive?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    South Australia.

    Dbol or Adrol less suppressive?

    53yrs years old and once again been refused TRT by numerous doctors and specialists here in Australia, been told to go back next year. Due to overseas sporting commitments I cant self TRT for another year so still cycling for now. I am starting to get my gear together for a summer body recomp and have HCG, Test, Mast and Primo for a relatively low suppression 10 week stack. Im thinking of kicking it off with a 3 week kickstart with either Anadrol or Dianabol but was hoping to limit too harsh suppression if possible. How are Anadrol and Dbol for suppression? I have had good results previously with Dbol but keen to give Anadrol, 25-50mg a run for 3 weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by PHunter View Post
    53yrs years old and once again been refused TRT by numerous doctors and specialists here in Australia, been told to go back next year. Due to overseas sporting commitments I cant self TRT for another year so still cycling for now. I am starting to get my gear together for a summer body recomp and have HCG, Test, Mast and Primo for a relatively low suppression 10 week stack. Im thinking of kicking it off with a 3 week kickstart with either Anadrol or Dianabol but was hoping to limit too harsh suppression if possible. How are Anadrol and Dbol for suppression? I have had good results previously with Dbol but keen to give Anadrol, 25-50mg a run for 3 weeks.
    Anadrol and Dianabol are your concern? You already have the most suppressive thing in there: testosterone.
    Unless your doses are so paltry as to be pointless, ten weeks of what you described will have you completely shut down for 10 weeks, even without the orals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by PHunter View Post
    53yrs years old and once again been refused TRT by numerous doctors and specialists here in Australia, been told to go back next year. Due to overseas sporting commitments I cant self TRT for another year so still cycling for now. I am starting to get my gear together for a summer body recomp and have HCG, Test, Mast and Primo for a relatively low suppression 10 week stack. Im thinking of kicking it off with a 3 week kickstart with either Anadrol or Dianabol but was hoping to limit too harsh suppression if possible. How are Anadrol and Dbol for suppression? I have had good results previously with Dbol but keen to give Anadrol, 25-50mg a run for 3 weeks.
    It doesn’t work like that.
    It is on or off essentially

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    South Australia.
    I hear some in here saying you are either on or off, but then i also hear many other comments about some AAS such as Deca and Tren shutting your HPTA down quickly and fully while others such as Mast and Anavar only suppressing your HPTA lightly.
    Last edited by PHunter; 07-05-2020 at 06:58 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by PHunter View Post
    I hear some in here saying you are either on or off, but then i also hear many other comments about some AAS such as Deca and Tren shutting your HPTA down quickly and fully while others such as Mast and Anavar only suppressing your HPTA lightly.
    That is true, but only when you’re taking therapeutic dosages in isolation. It’s a compounding issue.
    Also, by having test in there at all, you’re shut down entirely, unless you’re taking so little that it doesn’t matter, because it’s not enough to overtake what your HPTA considers acceptable, therefore you’re suppressing your system to literally zero benefit.

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