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Thread: LGD 4033 & AAS water retention

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    LGD 4033 & AAS water retention

    So I've yet to do a cycle of AAS but will be soon. I've done three cycles of SARMs with the current one being LGD, my first of this stronger one. I'm 6 weeks in this cycle and while I've had really good results, the water retention has been so bad that I am having carpal tunnel type symptoms in my hands when I grip things like a coffee mug or the barbell. It's quite painful.

    My question is does a cycle like 500mg/wk test cyp for 12 weeks, or any cycle for that matter cause the same type of water retention for y'all? They are both known for causing some water retention so I'm just curious if I can expect this with a cycle of test as well?

  2. #2
    Change out the lgd for rad140. Rad is very lean gains

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    this can happen with AAS as well. some people hold more water than others. drink more water and take a mild diuretic you can get otc. you could also have a product that is not properly labeled, which could be giving you higher than nornal e2. elevated e2 can cause water retention.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    this can happen with AAS as well. some people hold more water than others. drink more water and take a mild diuretic you can get otc. you could also have a product that is not properly labeled, which could be giving you higher than nornal e2. elevated e2 can cause water retention.
    I'm pretty sure my e2 levels are fine because I don't have any of the symptoms other than water retention. Thanks for the advise on a diuretic. I'm heading to pick up one in a bit. Hopefully that will give me some relief.

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