All right Bro’s, I’ve been doing some research on what’s available, locally to me, here in my neck of the woods. I ran across this and wanted to know if it’s real or fake. I’ll try and get a picture so you guys can get a look as well. Here’s what’s marked on the container, btw, the container looks like a little glass hypodermic needle just minus the needle and I really don’t think you can add a needle to it, at least it doesn’t look like you can. Anyways;
Sostenon 250
Reg. No. 50064 SSA
Lote No. As200103
Caducidad: JUL 2004
All the lettering is like a violet or purple color. So what am I looking at here bro’s? My bud let me have one just to look up what it was so I haven't purchased anyhting, just looking. Thanks