*I'm currently on TRT (for life) at about 200cc a week.
I'm planning to use 30mg Dbol a day, everyday for 5 weeks (The Dbol I have is liquid form). 15mg in the morning, and again pre-workout.
I will then have a 4 week break just on my normal Test.
Before I start the 16 week cycle (listed below) leading up to a Powerlifting meet. I will be using Anavar (last 8 weeks of the 16 week cycle), so I'm kind of using Dbol as a kickstart. And the break is to give my liver/body a rest before starting at Anavar.
My Estradiol has been as high as 75pg/ml. I've never used an AI or SERM. No gyno, no itchy nipples, no acne, no side effects. Even on a previous Test/Deca/Anavar cycle for 12 weeks.
I've been told, as well as read, that Dbol is different though.(Converts to Methyl Estradiol).
At only 30mg a day for 5 weeks on a moderate amount of Test, am my walking a dangerous line?
For those interested, this will be my cycle:
(I can't really afford to put on much more weight, which will give a little more insight of my choices for this cycle. Strength, not size is my goal)
Oils: (16 Weeks)
Start Date: Aug 28
Finish date: Dec 18
Anavar: (8 Weeks)
Start Date: Oct. 23
Finish date: Dec 18
Dbol: (5 Weeks)
Start Date: Aug 21
Finish date: Sept. 25
Injectable Oils:
Test Eth.
*Every other day
Masteron Prop/NPP Blend
*Every other day
*15mg - Twice Daily
*9am/60 Min. Pre-workout
*5 Weeks ONLY
*25mg - Twice Daily