My strength and size had increased a dramatically. 750mg of test/wk and 100mg tren eod. I've been eating in a pretty large surplus and putting on quality size. I like to compete in powerlifting comps.
Been doing a lot of 5x3 work on deadlifts once a week and still getting stronger but don't feel like I'm recovering. Maybe I need to do a bit less like 3x3 or more singles? Weight is getting up there, went 605 5x3 this week, which ties a set and rep PR. The last 2 sets were probably rpe 10 and last rep is damn close to failure. Some times I do fail reps.
Same with leg day. Belt squats have been my staple for a while now. Next comp is a deadlift only comp so backing off the barbell squat for a while to get max recovery for deadlifts. I do 3x8 pretty much all out. Is there a time to a little less? Maybe 2x8? And see if recovery improves?
Ultimate goal is to get stronger at my competition lifts. I can only train them heavy once a week. I do a Push, pull, legs, rest, push/pull accessory, rest, rest. I really dont follow a program, just something I've worked into and has been working. Progression is once I hit a comp lift for 5x3 I bump up the weight and do that until I hit it for 5x3 and repeat. Same with my other competition lifts.