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Thread: High Estradiol

  1. #1

    High Estradiol

    I started a cycle of t-400, tren-E, and Anavar. It was supposed to be 12 weeks, but at 8 weeks I got blood work and backed off. I pinned twice a week to get:

    Week 1-8: 500mg/week t-400, 300mg/week tren-e
    Week 5-8: 50mg Anavar ED
    Week 1-8: Aromasin, 12.5mg EOD

    My blood work showed 290pmol/L Estradiol with the test indicating 159 as the upper limit on the normal threshold. I had some small sensitivity in the nipples and also have what feels like a small hard spot about half a centimetre to the right of one of my nipples (but still under the areola).

    I reduced my intake and increased aromatize for 4 weeks to:

    Week 9-12: 250mg/week t-400, 150mg/week tren-e
    Aromasin - 25mg ED (4 times as much)
    I cut out the Anavar.

    I received a blood test and my Estradiol increased to 332 pmol/L. I’m confused. I read Exemestane (aromasin) works best after 2-3 days so I thought it would have went down by now.

    Any suggestions or ideas? I want to finish my Anavar but want to wait until levels are down. I don’t think the tren is the issue. Should I cruise until I get more blood work? Should I increase the Aromasin dose? Maybe I have a shitty product.

    I’m paranoid about Gyno. Not sure what my risk is.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Assuming you ran the standard estradiol test most labs offerred? If so, it's geared to women and tends to read higher in men for one thing. That said, the more accurate and expensive test is the LC/MS version which would tell you exactly where your E2 is. Also remember, it really isn't normal to have super high test levels and then not to have higher estrogen levels. Learn to run an amount of test that your body can handle without ancillaries then make up the androgen difference with other AAS that doesn't aromatise. Just a thought.

    Nolvadex or Raloxifene will help with actual gyno if in fact you have it.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Thank you for the advice. I have a small bump under my right nipple. It’s tender, but not visible. Maybe the size of a small pea. I read it’s a sign of gyno. Can I continue with Aromasin at 25mg/day but also add Nolva? I heard nolva can reverse gyno at the early stages.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RufusSD View Post
    Thank you for the advice. I have a small bump under my right nipple. It’s tender, but not visible. Maybe the size of a small pea. I read it’s a sign of gyno. Can I continue with Aromasin at 25mg/day but also add Nolva? I heard nolva can reverse gyno at the early stages.
    proviron has anti-estrogenic properties. 50mg a day would help a lot. But yeah, you can try nolva to reverse it, but I wouldn't put too much faith in it. Pinning your gear more often will also help with your SHBG and cause you to tolerate higher doses of gear better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Are you sure your anavar isn't really dbol? It gets faked a lot.

    With the tren, is prolactin a concern?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Are you sure your anavar isn't really dbol? It gets faked a lot.

    With the tren, is prolactin a concern?
    Not particularly. At least not for me. But I also used it with a DHT steroid and test.

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