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Same shit, different decade.
Born in 58, but too young to remember the national love fest & unity that had to have further rights awareness for woman and put an end to
lynching blacks. Those “good old days”.
Late 60’s, still division over civil rights & bring on Vietnam. Conservatives vs. the liberal “hippies”. Complete unity then.
BS with Nixon and watergate in the 70’s brought more mistrust in the government. Then you had the crap with the Iran hostage crisis; we sure didn’t like Carter for that. More distrust.
You got Regan in the 80’s, but since there wasn’t as much news coverage or social media, nobody had any idea of the bs with the Iran-Contras crap or the the beginning of our 40 year history with Afghanistan. Had we known then, holy crap what divisiveness we would have had. But Ronnie was one smooth actor and brought an end to the Cold War, so we gave him a pass.
George Bush Sr. only served one term due to his popularity, but we got our troops asses stuck in Saudi Arabia because of that, which fueled Bin Ladin originally and we know what happened with him.
Clinton with his blow job in the White House; lots of divisiveness there.
George W. got us into Iraq again; it took some exaggeration of the WMDs, but absolutely no distrust there. Oh, and speaking of that wonderful & unbiased Supreme Court - the one that voted per the party that got them elected and stopped a recount of a presidential vote that very likely was stolen. I’m sure that didn’t lead to any divisions. Poor George W couldn’t get out of his car after the inauguration due to it being pelted with eggs and crowds screaming “thief”. Yup, the Supreme Court did their job there.
Oh yeah, the entire country just loved having a black president, complete national unity there. Hell, the dude wasn’t even born in the USA apparently. Yeah, who brought the country together with that one?
Bring on Trump & Biden. Seriously Biden? But Trump sucked so bad he lost to that dude (plus Biden had a multi racial woman as a Vice President with an obnoxious laugh, and he still won), but someone added even more divisiveness to the country in his denial of the election and contributing to January 6th.
We’ve been a nation divided since our inception; this current shit is not new. Just so much fucking social media out there (throw in incendiary sites like 4 Chan that encourages chaos & hate, but hey, freedom of speech) yeah lots of laughs. The parents of their dead child in the Sandy Hook school killing actually had to go to trial to have some dumb-ass admit the shooting wasn’t fictitious & causing the parents of their murdered child to get death threats (again in the name of freedom of speech).
I’m sure that I missed a few things.
And still I have our flag and the Statue of Liberty tattooed on my arm, because THIS IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.
Added: I am not trying to be a smart ass, come across as a historian or wow anyone with my knowledge. These are just things that I have personally witnessed. Toss in these additional things from memory, illustrating our nations unity: getting let out of school early & seeing adults bawling after the assassination of JFK. Then seeing his brother offed later, as well as MLK. George Wallace’s policies weren’t exactly non-polarizing as well.
Point being Americans have been screaming like Chicken Little for decades that the sky is falling. What does that result in, what good does it do? It’s creates more doubts, more mistrust, more division. Now get ready for the next presidential debates, nominations and election; got a feeling that we ain’t seen nothing yet.