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Thread: oxandrolone(anavar)

  1. #1


    has anyone ever heard of a straight oxy cycle. i was thinking of just doing this for 6 weeks to gain strength and sum size. i no ht price is hefty but side effects are i hear are far lesser than its brothers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by simplyjacked14
    has anyone ever heard of a straight oxy cycle. i was thinking of just doing this for 6 weeks to gain strength and sum size. i no ht price is hefty but side effects are i hear are far lesser than its brothers.
    It's been done, and with some reporting very minor but existent gains. Ironman did a little piece on a var only cycle about a year ago, I think I still have it somwhere...i'll try to dig it up and at least give you the month and issue.

  3. #3
    thanks alot, for the research for me. i was ready that 40mg a day split up 2-4 times a day after meals, would be the best just really looking for strength gains and i hear this is the door to walk through...

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