For those of you who are not familiar with me, I am writing a week to week diary on my first cycle. It goes like this:
400mg test enanthate (Brovel)-11 weeks
400mg eq (QV)- 10 weeks
30mg dbol (thais)- 4weeks
Arimidex all the way through, and clomid and HCG at end
I am 5'7, now 165
Anyways, I'm starting my third week now and let me tell u something, I fucken love dbol. I'm up six pounds(probably mostly water as I have not yet started my arimidex, but will tommorow) and the strength gains are fucken nuts. At the end of the week I'll give u all my strength stats for the past three weeks. I hope everyone enjoys reading this diary as an educational tool. Now, let's see me grow