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Thread: Dean's 1st Cycle DIARY

  1. #1

    Dean's 1st Cycle DIARY

    For those of you who are not familiar with me, I am writing a week to week diary on my first cycle. It goes like this:

    400mg test enanthate (Brovel)-11 weeks
    400mg eq (QV)- 10 weeks
    30mg dbol (thais)- 4weeks
    Arimidex all the way through, and clomid and HCG at end

    I am 5'7, now 165

    Anyways, I'm starting my third week now and let me tell u something, I fucken love dbol. I'm up six pounds(probably mostly water as I have not yet started my arimidex, but will tommorow) and the strength gains are fucken nuts. At the end of the week I'll give u all my strength stats for the past three weeks. I hope everyone enjoys reading this diary as an educational tool. Now, let's see me grow

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    show us some results.. good luck with your cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Any before pics to post? If not, snap them now as you'll need something like that for comparison.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Any before pics to post? If not, snap them now as you'll need something like that for comparison.
    True, I took mine yesterday... hope to make a big change in the upcoming months!


  5. #5
    I already posted my before pic. Search my name

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Keep us updated! Give us a new pic once in awhile..You got a good base from the first pic I saw...good luck...dont forget the diet and rest..and H2O...1 1/2-2 gallons a day...also with d-bol I would use milk thistle for liver protection and cranberry extact for the kindneys that will be workin' overtime!

  7. #7
    Sorry for slacking guys, but I have been busy as hell. I'm sure you all understand. Needless to say, the cycle is going great. I have gone up about thirty pounds on all my chest and back exercises. Also, my shoulder and bicep strength went through the roof. I'm hoping to see my tricep strength go up pretty soon. I think I've been doing decent with protein intake( about a g. to a g. 1/2 a day). My calories have been way up. This Sunday will be the close of me fourth week, so I must say bye to my little friends(dbol). I'm let's hope the test and Eq hold up to their name. I will post periodically next week to make up for my slacking. Until then, let's hear some responses. Any tips and/or questions would be appreciated.

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