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Thread: Tremors on Nolva?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Here and there....

    Tremors on Nolva?

    Question guys, I popped a 20mg Nolva this morning on an empty stomach. Now I'm shaking like a leaf, I can barely type. It was ** Nolva, and I don't think this is normal. I Know his Clen looks exactly like his Nolva, and I'm wondering if somehow one may have gotten into my bag. I just checked my BP and heart rate, my BP was 122/73 just a bit higher than normal but my resting heart rate was 122!!! This is up from 64 just two days ago! I'm not completely sure that I took some Clen, because I've never been on it before, but if I did, am I in any kind of danger? I do know this is definately not normal for Nolva though, all responses appreciated.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Here and there....
    Why was the abbreviation for International Pharmaceutical's edited out of my post?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Taejoon
    Question guys, I popped a 20mg Nolva this morning on an empty stomach. Now I'm shaking like a leaf, I can barely type. It was ** Nolva, and I don't think this is normal. I Know his Clen looks exactly like his Nolva, and I'm wondering if somehow one may have gotten into my bag. I just checked my BP and heart rate, my BP was 122/73 just a bit higher than normal but my resting heart rate was 122!!! This is up from 64 just two days ago! I'm not completely sure that I took some Clen, because I've never been on it before, but if I did, am I in any kind of danger? I do know this is definately not normal for Nolva though, all responses appreciated.


    i've never heard of that from nolva before

    i've never ordered from **, but i hear he has fucked up orders before.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    ** has screwed up orders before so it is possible that oyu took some clen instead of Nolva. Now, you should be fine as it's only one dose but I'd check up on that order because I've never had tremors or shakes from nolva

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Here and there....
    My entire order of Nolva did not do this to me. I've been on this Nolva now for almost six weeks and this has only happened to me one other time. The first time I thought it was just my imagination, and never bothered to check my BP or heart rate. This time I did. The entire order is definately not Clen, but I'm begining to believe that some Clen may have accidently found it's way into the shipment I received.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    wouldn't surprise me

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