Hello lads.Im trying to decide on a cycle and Id like some of you more knowledgable members to give me some criticisms . my stats are as follows
(1.)30 years old. 5'11 ,195lbs at 12% body fat. no medical/healthprobs.
(2.)Training for 10 years on and off, currently (after 1 months training).
a.bench press 275max and 225 for 10 reps
b.squat 315max and 225 for 16 reps
c.deadlift 315max and 225 for 12 reps
My cardio is 3 miles in 17.30 mins. Ive always had a very athletic physique,always been an exceptional athlete (sponsored semi-pro skateboarder, state champ wrestler in h.s.,and pro mixed martial arts competitor until 1.5 years ago) have always had excellent cardio and above average strength/muscle tone develpment. The cycles that I am considering are .
(1.)d-bol 25mgs/day weeks 1-4.
(2.)testosterone proprianate 200mgs/week for weeks 1-10.
(3.) primobolan depot 150mgs/week for weeks 4-10.
(4.)winstrol depot 150 mgs/week for weeks 4-10.
How does this sound for a first timer? Should it be longer/shorter or is it
good as is.
What about my dosages? more/less or is it good ?
Should I start the primo/winny stack sooner or do it seperatly or what is best?
Ive been studying literature on A.S. for about two months and Ive concluded that
D-bol 4 weeks is safe/effective
t.prop is safest test to combine with D-bol to continue gains
and the Primo-Winny stack is safe and effective for adding quality to
new mass
Gaining stregth/quality muscle is my goal. from 195 to 210 at 8% b.fat would be ideal. Any criticisms will be appreciated.Thanks.