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Thread: SDI Labs D-bol replacement

  1. #1

    SDI Labs D-bol replacement

    Has anyone ever heard of this, I have a buddy who is asking my opinion if this shit will work or not, I told him he should get the real mccoy but he is entering an occupation that may test, so any onfo on this product would be appreciated.

    Whatcha gonna do brother........

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Its all a waist of money. If the stuf was similar enough to give similar results the FDA would ban the stuff. D-bol is out of your system fast anyway.

  3. #3
    yeah that's what I am trying to tell hime but I am hoping to get the active ingredients and all that so I can tell him if it is shit or not for sure.

    Whatcha gonna do brother...........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    sdi labs are a joke who patented the dbol name. which is just a nickname for dianabol. just andro. dont buy that shit.

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