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Thread: Another Question :( help plz.

  1. #1

    Question Another Question :( help plz.

    My nipples or slightly puffy from the 4 weeks of d-bol I took. There is no lumps or anything underneath the nipple. I got sick on the fifth week and had a bad sinus infection so I stopped taking the d-bol. I am on amoxicillin for the sinus infection. I want to get on 20mg/day for 2 weeks of Nolvadex until the puffyness goes down. I am wondering if I can take Nolvadex with the amoxicillin. And do I really need to take anything for the puffyness to go down ?

    Thanks alot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I am not exactly sure but I do not think that amoxicillin has negative results with any medicine bc it is rather mild. Try calling your doctor and asking if there are any medications he know of that do not work well with amoxicillin. You could also call a random doctor and ask the them if the nolvadex will interfere with the amoxicillin.

  3. #3
    CutieFace Guest
    I would advise you instead of using dbol to use anadrol, if your suseptable to gyno you're less likely w/ the anadrol then dbol....


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