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Thread: FI's new years cycle!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    FI's new years cycle!

    Sup brothers have been on much durring the holidays but it looks like the rest of you haven't been on much either....hope u didn't eat tooo much or get too drunk Pete!
    Anyway i am starting this cycle on the 6th of jan, i'm injecting every sun and thrus.

    week 1 600mg cyp 500mg deca 70 mg of accutane
    week 2 600mg cyp 500mg deca 70 mg of accutane
    week 3 600mg cyp 500mg deca 70 mg of accutane
    week 4 600mg cyp 500mg deca 70 mg of accutane
    week 5 500mg cyp 400mg deca 70 mg of accutane
    week 6 500mg cyp 400mg deca 70 mg of accutane
    week 7 500mg cyp 400mg deca 70 mg of accutane
    week 8 500mg cyp 400mg deca 70 mg of accutane

    then i will do the 300mg of clomid first day, then 100 for ten then 50 for ten (days)

    I wanted to front load the cycle in hopes of it kicking in better, and i have 6000mg of test cyp so i am wondering if i should run the cycle ten weeks or not? i also have 4000mg of deca, but if i run for ten weeks then i am going to have to run the deca 400 mg through out. What do u guys think

    Oh and i have been running the accutane at 60mg ed for the last two months and have a perscription for 70 mg ed for 5 months. So i will continue the accutane for two months after the cycle. and yes i do have nolva on hand.

    opinions please


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Hey bro!

    If you can run the cycle for 10 weeks then do it , by the time those ling acting esters kick in your half way done your cycle at 8 weeks. Why not add some d-bol for weeks 1-4? and don't forget to take your clomid 3 weeks after your last shot!

    Careful, the accutane has a tendancy of causing joint pain too!
    hopefully the deca will help with that?

    I ran accutane with sus and d-bol and and scrapped the nolva, and the joints seemed alright.

  3. #3
    hi FI....

    why not try
    wk 1 --- 1200mg test / 800mg deca
    wk 2 --- 1200mg test / 800mg deca
    wk 3-8 - 600mg test / 400mg deca

    this would uses all your gear with a nice frontload and a good running dose.....later bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    a gram of test a week sounds a little much for me right now LOL! but it still sounds like a good idea, and Mallet the reason i decided not to include dbol which were my original plans is b/c of the accutane and my liver. Its has taken enough abuse already so if i do not have to put extra strain on it i wont. So i just have to work out that much harder thats all. But the 1200mg of test is only for two weeks, u think 800mg would be enough to get the job done? ...jk. cheers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Full Intensuty, I took the d-bol at the same time with the accutane
    and had the liver enzymes monitored every 2 weeks and they were up as expected, but nowhere near the damage arena

    eg... average male 25-30 years old enzymes 20-28e level
    After 2 weeks of d-bol and tane mine were 40e level
    Liver damage occurs at 120e level, 2 weeks after stopping the d-bol they were back tdown to 31, probably a little high because of the tane.

    Just my thoughts!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I don't know i can still throw in the dbol i'll have to see

  7. #7
    FI....if it were me, i would through in the dbol for 4 weeks like mallet will make a great difference in a shorter cycle(8weeks).....if your urine gets very dark, then you can lay off the dbol.....your doses aren't very high, so i don't think you will have a problem.....

  8. #8
    The Iron Game Guest
    Good Luck

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