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Thread: Elbows cracking

  1. #1

    Elbows cracking

    I finally all my gear ready for my first cycle BUT... about 3 weeks ago without getting injured I started feeling some pulling from the tendons behind the elbows and then it started cracking, both elbows, they even crack for no reason but i still have full range of motion.
    I've rested for 2 1/2 weeks taking Naproxen but they still hurt a little.

    Should I wait longer or maybe the DECA will help the joints. What do you guys advice ? Thanks

    cycle = 500 test e ....weeks 1 -11
    400 deca ....week 1-10
    20mg of Nolva ed
    clomid and nolvadex for PCT

    28yrs old ....165 lbs.....working out for 2 1/2 years constant 5 day a week. 13%bf 5'10

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I advise x rays before you hit the juice and start throwing heavier weights around.
    Cracking of the elbows is not good. Fluid could be leaking out of your joints everytime you hear that cracking noise.

  3. #3

    **** !

    Crap !! That sounds serious. They are both cracking but the right is worst. I even tried to work out the Bis but they cracked also with the forward movement. I guess I should go see the DOC.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by alindo02
    Crap !! That sounds serious. They are both cracking but the right is worst. I even tried to work out the Bis but they cracked also with the forward movement. I guess I should go see the DOC.
    health comes first brotha..go see a DOC

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Sounds like you have a good ol case of tendonitis. I am going through that **** right now. Go see a doc. but in the mean time, I rub some Bengay on it, and Go to a sporting goods store and get a bad ass elbow brace. I prefer the Nike one. it's more like a sleeve than a brace, but it provides good support. Then after every workout. ice it down for at least twenty minutes.

  6. #6

    Yeap !

    Thanks guys I guess I'll hold on with the cycle so I dont screw up anything else. I got an appointment with the DOC monday ! I appreciate your support.
    I'll get the brace and use ice... Thanks

    PS This board RULEZ !

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