I finally all my gear ready for my first cycle BUT... about 3 weeks ago without getting injured I started feeling some pulling from the tendons behind the elbows and then it started cracking, both elbows, they even crack for no reason but i still have full range of motion.
I've rested for 2 1/2 weeks taking Naproxen but they still hurt a little.
Should I wait longer or maybe the DECA will help the joints. What do you guys advice ? Thanks
cycle = 500 test e ....weeks 1 -11
400 deca ....week 1-10
20mg of Nolva ed
clomid and nolvadex for PCT
28yrs old ....165 lbs.....working out for 2 1/2 years constant 5 day a week. 13%bf 5'10