hey bros
what is the best doses for a deca/test-e/d-bol cycle
have only done 1 cycle(winni)
goal is the get really cut
hey bros
what is the best doses for a deca/test-e/d-bol cycle
have only done 1 cycle(winni)
goal is the get really cut
Last edited by kuad; 01-26-2004 at 12:59 PM.
cycle experience, training experience, goals- people need this info to help you in the right direction..
hit the search for a while, you'll narrow a lot of your questions down with a couple hours of reading. good luck.
We really need more info but people run these compounds somewhere around this.
Test E 250-1000mg
deca 200-600mg
dbol 25-50mg
Beginners stick to the lower end and really shouldn't use more then 2 compounds at a time.
Always run test in your cycle.
do a search on deca, you'll find that you are going to need bromo..
search on and decide if you are going to run an anti-e through out your cycle.
get your pct (post cycle therapy) together before even thinking about running your cycle.
i'll give you the same advice some of the more experienced members gave me..
1-10 wk 400mg test
1-4 wk 30-40mg dbol
nolva 20mg beginning 1 wk before cycle ed (everyday)
pct start 2 wks after last injection. clomid and nolva
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