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Thread: Injection Advice

  1. #1

    Injection Advice

    I just started my first cycle of 500mg/wk sust 250, 300mg/wk test cyp.
    I did my first shot test in my left arm(1cc) and all was well with that. I've now done my sust shot in my right arm (2cc's) and it is rock hard and swolling, as well as really sore and red. Any advice on what i may have done wrong, or what i can do to prevent this. I used 22 gauge 1" needle.

  2. #2
    well the 22 guage needle can tend to cause a little pain. you say your arm - well where in your arm did you shoot ? shoulder, bicep, tricep ? more than likely it's just a little BA (benzyl alcohol) in your Sus or Cyp that's causin the redness.

    by the way, why are you running Sus & Cyp ??

  3. #3
    It was recommended from my buddy who i got it from.

  4. #4
    It was in my delt area

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    delt area???
    make sure you know what your doing when u r injecting...
    also thats a bad cycle....way too much test for a begginer....

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