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Thread: numb leg after injection!

  1. #1

    Question numb leg after injection!

    10 days ago today i shot 30mcg in 1cc of bacteriostatic water of long r3 in the upper outer part of my right thigh using a 1cc slin and i have a numb spot about 4 inches long and 3 inches wide in that area that wont go away?
    i could carve a chunk of meat out and wouldn't feel a thing. what wrong anybody kmow?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by bastardeyes
    10 days ago today i shot 30mcg in 1cc of bacteriostatic water of long r3 in the upper outer part of my right thigh using a 1cc slin and i have a numb spot about 4 inches long and 3 inches wide in that area that wont go away?
    i could carve a chunk of meat out and wouldn't feel a thing. what wrong anybody kmow?

    Your IGF-1 was in BA right? You 1st drew up water then 30mcgs of IGF-1 in BA, correct? Any pain when you injected?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Your IGF-1 was in BA right? You 1st drew up water then 30mcgs of IGF-1 in BA, correct? Any pain when you injected?

    I have been drawing up the long first out of the vial then the water. yes its 1000mcg in 1ml of ba. I did not have any pain. after i pulled the needle out i gave a wipe with my swab of alcohol and then aplied presure with a clean swab and massaged the spot for a few seconds thats when i relized it was numb.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Possibly nerve damage to some degree.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bastardeyes
    I have been drawing up the long first out of the vial then the water. yes its 1000mcg in 1ml of ba. I did not have any pain. after i pulled the needle out i gave a wipe with my swab of alcohol and then aplied presure with a clean swab and massaged the spot for a few seconds thats when i relized it was numb.
    I'd say you clipped a little peripheral big deal. It's very localized, right? You should get feeling back over time. I assume the numb spot hasn't spread or anything. It's odd you didn't feel anything at the time. The BA would still be pretty concentrated, even with the water, and may have something to do with it. I wouldn't worry.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    I'd say you clipped a little peripheral big deal. It's very localized, right? You should get feeling back over time. I assume the numb spot hasn't spread or anything. It's odd you didn't feel anything at the time. The BA would still be pretty concentrated, even with the water, and may have something to do with it. I wouldn't worry.

    no the numb spot has not spread at all, i used 91% alcohol would that have anything to do with it? heres another odd thing that happened on my other leg recently there was a small spot about quarter size that felt real numb but went away in a couple of days? im like runnin the numbness these days?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bastardeyes
    no the numb spot has not spread at all, i used 91% alcohol would that have anything to do with it? heres another odd thing that happened on my other leg recently there was a small spot about quarter size that felt real numb but went away in a couple of days? im like runnin the numbness these days?
    It may be the BA, but whenever I had the same effects, it was only for an hour or so. How many times have you shot it? You can apply a heating pad after the shot and massage to disperse the BA, if that's what's doing it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    It may be the BA, but whenever I had the same effects, it was only for an hour or so. How many times have you shot it? You can apply a heating pad after the shot and massage to disperse the BA, if that's what's doing it.

    ive shot for 18 days straight today. i have not shot in the numb leg since it went numb. a have not tried the heat pad thing but the massage i do every time i shoot. the first 3 days of the long i did not have bac water sso i shot it straight out of the vial. but it wasnt till day 5 i went numb.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    you're using benzyl alcohol and not rubbing alcohol right?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    you just hit a nerve dont be worried

    later swole256

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Nor Cal
    How long (if ever) would it take for the feeling to come back?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Its a nerve. I hit one before in my quad and a chunk of my leg was numb for somethiing like 5 months.. it eventually faded.

  13. #13
    just last week my buddys whole left quad went numb after injecting long r3 for the 6 time and its still numb! what the ****?????????????

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