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Thread: pros vets please put an end to these questions!!!!!

  1. #1

    pros vets please put an end to these questions!!!!!

    Alright i have got a few BIG questions that are holding me back. 1st this guy at the gym who is in good shape and kinda big told me he doesnt take any supps. he said he drinks a gallon of water while at the gym. and he has one shake after the gym and he eats when hes hungry. he said he gained almost 20lbs in about two months from doing this. he said something like it takes 3 lbs of water to hold one lb of muscle?????? i know water is important but if you drink that much will you really gain that much muscle???? secondly everyone has recommended i eat 5000 calories a day. how many should be from fat and how many should be quality stuff. a lot of things are like half from fat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Need your stats bro................and I call bullsh!t to the guy in the gym

  3. #3
    i am 21, 185, 3 yrs experience. gained about 15 lbs in last 2 years. cant seem to gain anymore. i eat 3500 calories a day, 250 carbs, 350 protein. some days i dont get it all in but thats what i shoot for. i am at a loss. i am trying to get a custom program from swolecat right now so maybe that will help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Unfortunately most guys who are on gear won't admit it to a stranger when asked -heck some won't admit it to friends and family -so don't be surprised if he offers an explanation that doesn't make much sense. Remember all those baseball players who were on "creatine"?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    By the way, 185 is pretty big for a 21 year old!!

    How tall are you and do you know your bodyfat?

  6. #6
    yah 185 isnt bad or anything but i am also 6'1 and i want nothing more than to be bigger. my goal is 200

  7. #7
    oh and i am actually only 20. i will be 21 in august

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    if you eat enough and train right, you can get to 200lbs naturally in two years or so, maybe even earlier, and don't say that your a hardgainer, the only thing holding you back from gaining muscle is not eating enough and wasting your time with isolation movements and overtraining, good luck and remember, always lift heavy

  9. #9
    well the problem is i dont want to wait 2 years. thats sucks. i know it might be the truth but that sucks. any suggestion on anything i could take to speed this up. oh an di already know better not to waste my time on isolation exercises. i know they are no good. and i dont overtrain at all. i go the gym lik 4-5 times a week for like 45 minutes. i lift evrything heavy at 4-6 reps. like for bi's for example i do about 5-6 sets and thats it. i have pretty good knowledge at lifting just not on diet yet. thats wher ei need help. HOW MANY CALORIES FROM FAT OUT OF A 5000 CALORIE DIET?????????????????????????

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    if you eat enough and train right, you can get to 200lbs naturally in two years or so, maybe even earlier, and don't say that your a hardgainer, the only thing holding you back from gaining muscle is not eating enough and wasting your time with isolation movements and overtraining, good luck and remember, always lift heavy
    very good advice. Do the big GH movements like flat bench presses dead lifts rows and squats and you can gain huge. very good advice.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    In The Dope Show
    Shouldn't this be in the diet forum?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by efunk33
    well the problem is i dont want to wait 2 years. thats sucks. i know it might be the truth but that sucks. any suggestion on anything i could take to speed this up. oh an di already know better not to waste my time on isolation exercises. i know they are no good. and i dont overtrain at all. i go the gym lik 4-5 times a week for like 45 minutes. i lift evrything heavy at 4-6 reps. like for bi's for example i do about 5-6 sets and thats it. i have pretty good knowledge at lifting just not on diet yet. thats wher ei need help. HOW MANY CALORIES FROM FAT OUT OF A 5000 CALORIE DIET?????????????????????????
    A 50/40/10 is a good bulk ratio.

  13. #13
    sorry for this stupid question but what is a 50/40/10 bulk ratio??????????????? and once again how many calories should be from fat in a 5000 calorie diet????????????????

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