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Thread: Mp3

  1. #1
    ttuPrincess Guest


    My trusty Walk-man from the late 80's gave out last week, and I am now interested in buying an MP3 player... but I am completely technologically illiterate!

    Can someone please explain to me how they work, if i have to have anything special on my computer to get songs, and which kind I should buy??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Do you aleady have a collection of MP3's on your computer? If not, then you only need to download MP3's from the internet or get a program to rip your CD collection to MP3 files. Plenty of freeware programs to do that.

    I've had two RCA Lyra MP3 players and they simply worked like an external hard drive. I only had to plug the device into my computer with a USB cable and then drag and drop my songs.

    Like I said, I've had two RCA MP3 players and have no complaints with them at all. I would quickly recommend them to someone else. Just pick one with enough storage for your needs. I would say 128 MB would be enough for the average user. Depending on the size of your MP3's, that would probably be enough to hold 30 songs or so.

  3. #3
    ttuPrincess Guest
    How much do these things cost????

  4. #4
    ttuPrincess Guest
    How would I know if I have mP3's on my computer?? I download music from Kazaa... is that it? please explain.. I know nothing


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    My trusty Walk-man from the late 80's gave out last week, and I am now interested in buying an MP3 player... but I am completely technologically illiterate!

    Can someone please explain to me how they work, if i have to have anything special on my computer to get songs, and which kind I should buy??

    Theres two kinds of players... one's with flash memory and one with a harddrive. Flash is cheaper, smaller but holds less songs.

    I have a MPIO Fy200 mp3 player. It has flash memory and i got it from best buy for about $120. I think its about as small as they get and its so light. I just clip it on my pants and workout!
    For your computer u will need a USB port to plug the mp3 player to your computer. To get mp3's you can get them from kazaa or buy them online from (about 99cents a song). hope that helped

  6. #6
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Juicehoe.. do I have to search for MP3's or just any songs I have downloaded will transfer???


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    How would I know if I have mP3's on my computer?? I download music from Kazaa... is that it? please explain.. I know nothing

    Yes, those are more than likely MP3's.

    And you should be able to find a decent MP3 player for around $100 or so. I know that's what the RCA Lyra 128 MB player that I mentioned earlier costs.

  8. #8
    ttuPrincess Guest
    I can find these kinds you recomend at Best Buy? I want to get them from there, cause they have that 1 year no interst credit card thing and I actually need to buy 2, one for me and one for Coldstone....


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    Juicehoe.. do I have to search for MP3's or just any songs I have downloaded will transfer???

    Im almost sure the songs you have are mp3's... just check the file extention to see if its ".mp3". Some mp3 players will play other formats. But lets not confuse you... just stick to mp3.

    I got mine at besybuy like 5 months ago and its the best thing ive ever got! Like i said i paid $120 but it came with so many extras... like belt clip, arm band, this neckless that holds it, etc.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I haven't been to my local Best Buy in a while, but I'd imagine they'd have a few different models of MP3 players to choose from.

    I bought my first one at Circuit City, by the way.

  11. #11
    You can obtain MP3's one of two ways: 1) you can download them like you have done with Kazaa. 2) you can use a program to "rip" all your cds on to your computer creating MP3's.

    I have a Samsung Yepp. It is the size of a small pager. It holds roughly 40 songs. The volume is good. It has a program that will allow you to rips your cds and transfer all the songs onto your player. REDROCK

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    My baby

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If anyone wants to contribute to my Ipod fund, please PM me.

    So far...

    4 dollars down, 246 to go.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by rambo
    If anyone wants to contribute to my Ipod fund, please PM me.

    So far...

    4 dollars down, 246 to go.
    LMAO i was looking at the mini ipod the other day... its to large for what i use it for.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Personally I'd recommend something that is purely memory (either card, stick, etc.) as opposed to something hard-disk based. For those of us that run on treadmills and weight train the hard-disk based units can be a bit of a liability. If you drop a HD based unit the likelihood of damage is higher than that of something with no moving parts. Otherwise I really like my portable CD player that decodes MP3's and WMA's as well as plays standard CD's. Mark

  16. #16
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Thanks guys.. Im off to go shopping for one.. Ill let ya know how it goes.. and keep an eye on this thread.. cause i may be needing help!!!!


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i've got an iriver
    fairly inexpensive and great performance.
    comes with software to transfer files over to the player (near idiot proof) all you need is a USB port.
    the player also picks up radio (exceptionally well i might add) and it has a voice recorder (so you cant take it to class as well)..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    look at the iFP models if you go to thats site... another great thing about these are that they are insianly small...

  19. #19
    RCA makes quality ones. I'd stay away from Samsung myself, hear nothing but horror stories.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by redrock
    You can obtain MP3's one of two ways: 1) you can download them like you have done with Kazaa. 2) you can use a program to "rip" all your cds on to your computer creating MP3's.

    I have a Samsung Yepp. It is the size of a small pager. It holds roughly 40 songs. The volume is good. It has a program that will allow you to rips your cds and transfer all the songs onto your player. REDROCK

    I downloaded about 20 gigabytes of mp3's from usenet newsgroups . . . everything fits on a few dozen cd's, and each cd will play for 10 hours before repeating a song. If I play right off the pc hard drive, I suppose it would play 24 hours a day for a few weeks before it repeats anything.

    The internet provider I had before my current one (SW Bell) had access to all the .mp3 newsgroups, and folks post all sorts of stuff there. With the recent flap over copyright issues, there might not be as much, but ya never know what's still out there for free . . .

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