1) Ronald and Nancy Reagan...dam Tock...you really had to go back on that one. Oh yeah, I call Bullshiat on that one anyway. Show me.
2) Democrats are passing FEDERAL gun control laws...how is that only affecting a certain number of big states? Bill Clinton was the proponent of the Brady Bill.
3) They wouldn't burn you at the stake...may make certain groups of people admit that they are different from the social norm and won't ever be the same, but they wouldn't burn you at the stake.
4) Oh brother....
4a) Tock, the democrats are more about higher taxes,
4b) bigger government,
4c) more social reform,
4d) etc. So, how are you not saying the government needs to get out of your business and that the democratic party is closer to your beliefs. If you were not gay and believed in the Bible, you beliefs would line up very close to the Republican party.
5) Reality break here Tock...not everyone carries insurance.
6) Then, if the government doesn't pay nor provide their medical treatment then all of the liberals in the world start bitching about how bad the USA is because it won't take care of its own.
7) You have argued this point yourself...which is it...government provided health care or a cruel hard hearted approach.
8) These tendencies of yours to straddle the fence are what I am referring to.
9) The Democrats would love to provide every sorry piece of trash with the same health care as someone that works 70 hours a week and pays for the insurance instead of spending all of their money on beer and cigarrettes while living off of wealfare.
10) Again, you sound like a Republican.
11) Same principle as above still applies. The democrats are more big government than republicans have ever thought about being.
12) The libertarian approach is not a bad approach. We agree there. But, it something that you and I will never see come to power.
13) So, for now, choosing the party that actually has a chance and supports the majority of your views is the smarter option. IMO.
14) Oh brother....are you saying that if the Libertarian party came to power, I could buy AS down at the corner Eckerds?
15) Clinton was in office for the last 8 years and AS purchase was just as hard as ever...so I know that's can't be what you were trying to say!?
16) peace,