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Thread: Big time swelling going on @ injection site :(

  1. #1

    Big time swelling going on @ injection site :(

    I am on my second week of a 10 week cycle. First application and week went by very well with no problems whatsoever. Second shot was this past Wednesday (its Sunday now (4 days later)) and it feels as if I have a third bum. There is no bruises or anything but there is a serious swelling going on at the entrance site. After the first application it was sore but no swelling, this however is totally different and is starting to worry me. Question: Should i be worried and am i screwed if the swelling hasn't gone down by now? and what may have caused this? Thanks for any help ya'll can give....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Has the injection site healed? What are you shooting?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    could be many things. Did you practice sterile procedures? Was the injection deep into the muscle? If it is an infection, you will notice that it is warm to the touch and you will run a fever. If those symptoms happen, get to a doc asap. Otherwise wait it out. It will go down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I think I have an important question here. ... what are you injecting in to yourself?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    You should ALWAYS clean your skin and the rubber on the vial with alcohol before you inject into yourself.

    Is the site red and/or warm to the touch?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    don;t fret bro the same thing happened to me... and right as it started to feel better it was time for the next shot and it started all over again... (and yes everything was done sterile) i found that heat would even make it worse.. (i don;t know how but it did)... just rub it like crazy as much as you can and it will get better.... mine was so bad i could see like a lump if i looked in the mirror... i mean it was definitly noticeable... and it hurt to sit for long periods of time... just rub it and it will feel better

  7. #7
    Yeah i know its a lot of juice in one app but the first week was fine and haven't had any problems before. Although after this happening i may start shooting twice a week. but what im on side from the dbol..
    600 test / week
    300 deca / week
    like i sad i know its a lot and after this im going to break it up into two shots a week..It isn't hot nor fever its just a big lump..I just hope im not screwed and have to go into the doc about this..Thanks again for all ya'lls help...Im going to go put a heating pad on it and rub the **** out of it like you said..good idea! thanks again anyother thoughts please feel free to let me know
    oh and in case anyone wants to on week 2 of the cycle and am up 14 pounds..if this doesn't stop me i'll have pics of the whole cycle after im done

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    **** whitey your avs are always smokin!! (just thought id bring that to everyone elses attention lol)

  9. #9
    Yes all in one spot. That may be part of the problem so now im going to split it up into two spots per week. But the first week went by smooth with no probs..Oh and yeah its EXACTLY how you descibe it, big lump when im looking into the mirror and everything..So i will definatly take ya'lls advice..Doesn't seem like im as screwed as i thought i was (being that i don't want to go to a doc and say (well doc i have a huge lump where i injected myself with AS ) i don't think they would like that one!! haha thanks ya'll...anything else would be awesome...14lbs 10 days...not bad

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    on top of your sister
    If it is infected, will it get better on its own?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    no if its infected you need to go to a doctor and get on antibiotics.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    no if its infected you need to go to a doctor and get on antibiotics.
    My Cellulitis infections healed on their own.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    well you are lucky. my infection just spread. by the time i went to the doc my leg was swollen from the base of my toes all the way up to my ass, I had to wear sandals because my foot wouldnt fit in my shoe it was so swollen.

    It is NEVER a good idea to let an infection just go. maybe you'll get lucky, but maybe not, and if you put it off it can get really bad.

  14. #14
    I didnt just let it go..i went to the hospital and they gave me a perscription. I just didnt fill it because it started to feel better, and eventually healed itself.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Had the same problem. I found out the the Ug lab I was using had to much BA in the Test. I changed and so far so good.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    HOLY ****! This guys up 14 pounds in 10 days, and no one is amazed enough to comment??? Are you retaining a lot of water? Are you taking anti-E's?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento area
    What are you shooting. Winstrol vet hurts like hell and swells my ass up for 5 days. Thats why I drank most of my last cycle.

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