I dont know how long i can take this... i was on 4iu ed, first 10 weeks were fine, then after that started to get cts and lower back pain. So i stopped for a week, realised i had spent alot of money in the chiropracter for nothing as the gh was giving me huge lower back pains in the mornings. So a week off, no back pain, started again on 2ius, 2 weeks on the cts shows itself now and again but not to bad, the lower back pain has returned, i cant even stay on my feet long enough to get breakfast in the mornings... its too much really. i have to sit down for about an hr on the pc, then after that, its gone. But right now just started tren/prop/var cycle and doing cardio in the am, so sitting down for an hr in the morns is really not an option or my whole day suffers, so i think im gonna have to just drop it unless anyone got any suggestions, does it pass? shall i up the dosage?? drop it more? take anything with it? i cant find any reading that says it causes this problem but im pretty sure that this is the cause... anyone else??