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Thread: sorry i think gh time is over, my back is killin me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass

    sorry i think gh time is over, my back is killin me

    I dont know how long i can take this... i was on 4iu ed, first 10 weeks were fine, then after that started to get cts and lower back pain. So i stopped for a week, realised i had spent alot of money in the chiropracter for nothing as the gh was giving me huge lower back pains in the mornings. So a week off, no back pain, started again on 2ius, 2 weeks on the cts shows itself now and again but not to bad, the lower back pain has returned, i cant even stay on my feet long enough to get breakfast in the mornings... its too much really. i have to sit down for about an hr on the pc, then after that, its gone. But right now just started tren/prop/var cycle and doing cardio in the am, so sitting down for an hr in the morns is really not an option or my whole day suffers, so i think im gonna have to just drop it unless anyone got any suggestions, does it pass? shall i up the dosage?? drop it more? take anything with it? i cant find any reading that says it causes this problem but im pretty sure that this is the cause... anyone else??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    Could it be the new collagen induced growth between intervertebral discs TOJ? Have you had any degeneration diagnosed between L1-L5?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I remember reading others who've run GH complain about joint pain so it could be the cause. Thats a good question Bigun brought up...I didn't know GH does that...I could use that is it's true...I've a very bad back. Do you think some good streaches might help relieve the pain?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    I got that the first month too. I thought it was due to the extra water retention in my back. I just worked through it and don't have back problems anymore. I'm in over 6 months, and the only pain I get is wrist pains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hey Bro,

    Had the same problem before and I noticed it would go away when I took Deka. It is the only thing that really helps my bad back and joint's from all the years of heavy training. Oh, and yes I stay on deka for most of the year with or without gh. Peace
    On an off cycle I will run 100mg a week and it keeps my joints and tendons feeling nice and oiled.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by dizzle
    I got that the first month too. I thought it was due to the extra water retention in my back. I just worked through it and don't have back problems anymore. I'm in over 6 months, and the only pain I get is wrist pains.
    Hey Dizz, I'm getting ready to start my Gh in 2 weeks, How sore do your wrists get? is it an unbearable pain? I would assume not if you keep taking the stuff... I get pain in my wrists when i do bench presses from time to time I wonder if it's the same kind of pain? Runs from knuckles down through my hand into my wrist.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    That question goes out to anyone else who has had joint problem on Gh... what can I expect? Sorry Jay not trying to jack your thread... Just curious.

  8. #8
    It's unfortunate and not typical that you started getting the pain AFTER 10 weeks of use. If someone gets joint pain on GH, it's usually early and goes away or greatly reduces by around 2 months.
    it sounds like it's certainly the GH, based on the pain stoping the week you stopped GH.
    You're still getting pain @ 2IUs, so there isn't much room to move. I wish I knew what to tell you, but it may not be for you. If the pain is too great, it's just not worth it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    i think its the case with every single bbing drug, its just not for me lol im genetically unblessed!

    as for degeneration of disks, i herniated a disk about 4 months ago, seems to be much better now, i feel ok most of the time, but there must be some de generation for that to have happened, i think. Is there anything i can ask the chiro about this to help? so i can carry on?? still got a while left, i wonder if upping the dose again its going to pass...


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    Due to the nature of our sports there is usually some degeneration of the invertebral discs. I guess the only sure fire way of knowing is an MRI scan.

    As the pain is worse in the mornings I would say its because of the spinal contraction during the night where the fluid within the discs gets less. Perhaps some trunk mobility exercises first thing after a hot shower or bath may help.

    Herniated discs are no fun as I am sure you know. I had one prolapse in my neck and had to have it removed. I now have a metal disc imbetween the vertebre and a plate with 4 screws holding it in place. Be careful!

    I believe we are both using the same brand of hGH TOJ and I havent had any noticeable joint pains at 5iu's straight off. I feel for you bud, I hope the pains eases

  11. #11
    I use 1iu a day as directed by my doc. I am startin gto lose some weight and I feel better. You dont have to use a higher amount to get some benifit from Gh, I think it just takes a long time to get the results.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Carolina
    Jason I have had disc problems for years (L 4-5) partially herniated. Ever since I started using steroids its gotten worse. I spoke to the doc and he says its from both water retention and thickening of the tissue from the steroids. I tried pain killers,Advil,vioxx, nothing worked. Then he put me on muslce relaxers at bedtime for 3 days. Pain went away and has only come back occasionally but is more bareable. I dont know why it worked but it was like a miracle for me. You might want to try that.Good luck


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