So I have a very close friend who is a qualified and excellent plastic surgeon. She will do it for me for only the cost of materials, so the price is minimal.
I have these love-handles that I really want to get rid of. No matter how hard I try, they won't go because they are fibrous. I'd also get fat removed from my lower abs.
So when is the best time to have lipo done? Because I am on a cutting cycle right now and then will take a break of 4 months and then hop on another 3 month cycle and then another 3-4 month break and then another on and so forth.
When should I time the surgery? I feel like doing it right after this cutting cycle...but that would be bad for PCT, wouldn't it? Since it would interrupt my working out? But even if I did it when I am totally in the middle of my break period, it would still mean time away from the gym and potential loss of gains from my cycle.
Those who have experience in this much does the surgery affect your routine? How long is the recovery time and when can you hit the weights again? And most importantly, when did you time the surgery -- like in relation to when you are on AS and off.
I'd appreciate any advice.
Considering this is almost free, I can't ressist.