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Thread: Cytomel Warning: Is This A Lie???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Cytomel Warning: Is This A Lie???

    Several bodybuilders use cytomel to lose weight. Yet, the manufacturer posted the following warning in cytomel prescriptions:
    "Drugs with thyroid hormone activity, alone or together with other therapeutic agents, have been used for the treatment of obesity. In euthyroid patients, doses within the range of daily hormonal requirements are INEFECTIVE for weight reduction. Larger doses may produce serious or even life-threatening manifiestations of toxicity particularly when given in association with sympathomimetic amines such as those used for their anorectic effects"

    Is this just a lie to scare people away from using the drug without really needing it, or is that true?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    No, there definately is some truth to that statement, however the doses required for euthyroid patients is usually 150mcg daily, this dose gets there metabolism back up to the "NORMAL" range with a RT around 96.5 - 97.5 deg F...that is why it's ineffective at increasing fat loss, without the treatment though these people would have a higher body fat because of there low thyroid function. In the average person with a healthy and "normal" thyroid function, taking additional t3 will increase fat reduction safely within certain perameters...going beyond these perameters is when supplementing with thyroids can become toxic and produce catabolic effects...that's why monitoring your Basal body temp (BBT) is necessary IMO to be successful at losing fat without becoming catabolic at the same time...In short, they are really just covering there A$$es.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    You heared it from the man himself =)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    You heared it from the man himself =)
    Couldn't have said it better myself Bro

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter
    Couldn't have said it better myself Bro

    Of course, have you ever read one of the pharm inserts with a vial of test-E or Anavar.???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Galveston Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    No, there definately is some truth to that statement, however the doses required for euthyroid patients is usually 150mcg daily, this dose gets there metabolism back up to the "NORMAL" range with a RT around 96.5 - 97.5 deg F...that is why it's ineffective at increasing fat loss, without the treatment though these people would have a higher body fat because of there low thyroid function. In the average person with a healthy and "normal" thyroid function, taking additional t3 will increase fat reduction safely within certain perameters...going beyond these perameters is when supplementing with thyroids can become toxic and produce catabolic effects...that's why monitoring your Basal body temp (BBT) is necessary IMO to be successful at losing fat without becoming catabolic at the same time...In short, they are really just covering there A$$es.
    Euthyroid means a normally functioning thyroid. Studies were done on euthyroid subjects and t3 supplementation was shown to burn equal amounts of fat and muscle, which is why they say it's ineffective for weight loss

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I stand corrected...I meant to say hypothyroidism, not euthyroid, I shouldn't type this late at night?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    No, there definately is some truth to that statement, however the doses required for hypothyroidism patients is usually 150mcg daily, this dose gets there metabolism back up to the "NORMAL" range with a RT around 96.5 - 97.5 deg F...that is why it's ineffective at increasing fat loss, without the treatment though these people would have a higher body fat because of there low thyroid function. In the average person with a healthy and "normal" thyroid function, taking additional t3 will increase fat reduction safely within certain perameters...going beyond these perameters is when supplementing with thyroids can become toxic and produce catabolic effects...that's why monitoring your Basal body temp (BBT) is necessary IMO to be successful at losing fat without becoming catabolic at the same time...In short, they are really just covering there A$$es.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I think these studies are irrelavent to bodybuilders because the test subject probably were not taking any anti-catabolic supplements or hormones and were not likely eating a diet high in was probably the average american diet. Whereas bb's usually take test along side their t3 for muscle preservation and eat a diet rich in protein. I have truly never experienced any muscle catabolism from taking t3, especially when monitoring my BBT! JMO...besides we don't know how long or what the dose was of this study so it's inconclusive...I still think it's an insert to cover their A$$. JMO again.

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornDr
    Euthyroid means a normally functioning thyroid. Studies were done on euthyroid subjects and t3 supplementation was shown to burn equal amounts of fat and muscle, which is why they say it's ineffective for weight loss

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