Has anyone else received a letter from Elitefitness about their impending lawsuit from Muscletech?? Apparently, Muscletech is pissed off because some of Elite's members are flaming Muscletech's products....My question is this: how long till a company comes after ANY site (including this one), for allowing it's members to excersise their right to free speech? Muscletech's lawyers want Elitefitness to disclose personal info about it's members...specifically, the ones who made disparaging comments about Muscletech's products. I'm impressed with Spellwin's response...basically that he would sooner shut down his site then to violate his own privacy agreement. He invited muscletech to defend itself personally on Elite's discussion board rather than throw a lot of time and money into a lawsuit...
I'm no big fan of elitefitness, but I don't think they deserve to be slapped with a law suit for allowing their members to speak their opinions openly....THIS IS AMERICA....RIGHT!?!?![]()
What do you guys think? I wish I could attach the letters, but I don't know how. If I can figure it out maybe I'll mail it to Jason and let him try to post it...if anyone else got the same letter, put it up (my computer skills are somewhat lacking).![]()