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Thread: My shot in college football......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question My shot in college football......

    Ok, I currently am a sprinter in college, i run the 40 in 4.35 seconds im 5'11" 200 pounds, i can bench press 405, and squat 525....i played linebacker in high school, but i wanted to pick up football again, do you think schools would take a chance with me considering ive been out of football for a year and that im already at a 4 year university?? just looking for some feedback, thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I guess it depends on the school. If you have the talent, I don't see why not. They may be hesitant to have you if you need a lot of work, when they could spend their time on somebody that will be around longer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    I think you either have wide receiver, or possibly a Nickel back position such as Free Safety.

    But bro, by running the 40 in just over 4, benching 405 and squatting 525 has to get you some looks j ust by those amazing feats at the weight of 200lbs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Here it goes...

    Yeah you def have your chances....
    I attend the UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI....obviously #1
    some of my friends which are seniors are trying out for positions. Most of them will be on the team believe it or not. They might not start but at least they play. Unless they are really really good, and if you are, you know you can get some more time playing fb after that. You know, two more years under Masters.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    All schools usually have a day to look at "walk-ons". It's basically an open practice where just about anyone can participate and try to impress the coaching staff. It usually occurs after the spring semester or just before the "real" training camp. Get in touch with the coach or athletic director now to find out when they are held.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thanks for your help, do any of you have refrences for me, like either message boards college coaches use or some way to contact them....the thing is that i have to get a waiver to have coaches contact me and i dont wanna get that during my track season right now, i can contact them, they just cant contact me by phone or email, but i can meet with them in person.....i would be looking to attend UC Berkeley only because my dad played for them and my godmother knows the dean of admissions, i would rather look for oppertunities at other schools, but i dont know how to or where to start, i know there are some football players on this board, so any help would be nice, and thanks for the advise you have already given me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    i know how you feel CR about transfering and see what is out there.. you best bet, is to find schools that YOU are interested in and call the head coaches of those schools. then, they will probably ask you what your stats are... 40, bench, squat, deadlift, etc....then they will probably want your high school stats just to give them a small idea of what kind of player you once were. because by those, they can see what kind of player you can become and if you will fit in with them. i'm telling you now by the stats you just gave, you can play a Division 2 and 3 WITHOUT a doubt. and they would take you with open arms. Div.1, i'm not real sure about their rules. but if you play at UC Berkeley for a year, then transfer, you will have to sit out a year..i don't think you can get any type of are just gonna have to be very upfront with coaches and call them early and often to get what you want.. so my advice to you is, start calling now and compile a list of schools that you want to play at or have any type of interest in.. and i am sure you could probably do both track and football. alot of athletes nowadays are just that damn good to do that..i hope this helps you some.

    BIG J

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thanks for the advise, im already at a 4 year university and in HS i was about 30 pounds lighter and not as fast or strong as i am now, i posted good numbers in high school as a outside linebacker at 170 pounds....19 sacks, but i was over looked due to size, i know i can tackle, i just was wondering if i should take a chance, i have contacted football coaches, but i have to meet with them face to face and i cant do that until my spring break, cause they cant contact me cause im a scholarship track athlete, but ive talked to a lot of people and i could easily transfer to UC Berkeley, their team sucks so i know i can make it, thanks for the advise, im gonna contact some other schools, but if anybody else out there that played can give me some advise i would love to hear some more.....and my stats are real, i put my bench less than what it is actually

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Woodlands TX
    Try to tackle me you little bitch HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Talking Good to see another 'Cane here

    Originally posted by SPEEDY
    Here it goes...

    Yeah you def have your chances....
    I attend the UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI....obviously #1
    some of my friends which are seniors are trying out for positions. Most of them will be on the team believe it or not. They might not start but at least they play. Unless they are really really good, and if you are, you know you can get some more time playing fb after that. You know, two more years under Masters.
    What positions are your friends trying out for? Hey dude you going to the 'Canes baseball game tonight? &pm at The Light. I'll be right where WVUM broadcasts the games or if my mom goes with me in the handicapp area over on the 3rd base side, stop by and say hi.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    take old game tapes and print up a resume of thletic acheivements ad honors received.then, call prospective schools at their athletic department and talk to the AD.they will tell you wat to do w/ your material.when i was in college this is how my college coaches got me free agent tryouts.they wanna see something on tape.they don't have all year to talk to people who think they can play at their level.they wanna see what you bring to the table before they even meet of luck w/ your endeavor.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    I wouldnt, wait you already burned one year of eligibility so far(your a sprinter no?) Also, what division and how often to you use gear to hold on to your gains. Gettin tested all the time it can be a bitch holdin on to gains during season with practice, less lifting, etc.. Either way though @200lbs your pretty set with that speed for SS, and even if you lose 10-15 your still straight for a corner. I would get on it now though, because the more eligibility you burn the less likley their gonna fill a slot with you as opposed to some all state HS grad who they can keep and develop for 5 yrs. Good luck bro ....if you can swing it its totally worth it, and your in for a crazy time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Woodlands TX
    i know the crazzy russian and all I know is that he is strong as shit but needs a good kick in the ass..... If you know of any steriods that would make him mean (hes a big teddy bear) let him know....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i took winstrol last october, those gains and weight were the same when i took it the only thing that went up from it is my squat so no loss there....yeah big tex get me some halo, but im not that big of a softie

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    like partyboy said if you have some game footage of some of your highschool games edit that into a video of you sprinting and doing some of your lifts squat bench deadlift etc. the name of the game is exposure, obviously you have the ability, so nowyou just have to get noticed. make as many tapes as possible and send them to everybody. one of my best fiends did the same thing because we live in canada not too many scouts come up here to look for talent, now he playes for the washington state cougars. john randel got onto a college team as a walk-on.
    good luck

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