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Thread: Clen for a pot belly

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Clen for a pot belly

    I started working a 9 to 5 desk job back in July, and before that I was working in a warehouse moving truck and tractor tyres around all day.

    Sitting at a desk for 6 months, I've developed a bit of a pot belly. No fat rolls or anything, just a little bit of the pregnant look.

    I started Clenbuterol today, I took one 40mcg pill.

    Here's my diet and routine for the past 3 days, and I intend to continue like this:

    5am - morning alarm, meditate for 1 hour
    6:20am - leave for work in my car
    7:30am - arrive at work
    7:45 - a bowl of watery plain oatmeal made with low fat milk
    12:30 - A chicken or tuna sandwich
    2pm - a banana
    4pm - an orange
    6pm - one hour power walking on the treadmill at full incline 5 - 6 km/hr
    7:15pm - half a cooked chicken, followed by half a handful of brazil nuts
    9:30pm - bed time

    I also drink maybe 5 cups of tea/coffee throughout the day. I also sip from a bottle of cod liver oil throughout the day.

    If I keep this up for 2-4 weeks then I should lose my pot belly. After that I might see about putting more muscle on and eating properly. Right now I'm focused on losing fat.

  2. #2
    drop the clen and drop the cod oil...

    not sure why you are taking clen to lose wait and drinking straight fat at the same time...
    each tablespoon is 123 calories...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    drop the clen and drop the cod oil...

    not sure why you are taking clen to lose wait and drinking straight fat at the same time...
    each tablespoon is 123 calories...

    Fuck... I always just thought that it was a really healthy supplement for joints, teeth, nails, hair, etc.

    One tablespoon really is 123 calories. And if a Mars bar is 228 calories, then I'm probably having the equivalent of about 1.5 Mars bars a day.

    Ok no more cod liver oil but I'm keeping the clen for at least two weeks.

  4. #4
    What are your macronutrients, bro?

  5. #5
    Clenbuterol only works for those who already have a low fat percentage.

    And it works much better with T3 cytomel. The two together is a machine, accelerates your BRM.

    IMO; I would focus on the diet first so I can go to T3 with Clem.

    That's why I asked what your macronutrients are.

    It's no use eating, eating, not daily tracking your protein, carbohydrate and fat goals every day. Thinking it will get results.

    Start recording everything you are eating on Myfinesspal.

    Calculate your bmr and your tdee and then make a caloric deficit.

    This will start you to lose some body fat.
    Add T3 with clem as you progress further in the diet.

  6. #6
    You have to weigh all your food, I forgot to tell you. Lol

  7. #7
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    Oct 2019
    I can't believe this post. I feel like he's trolling

    IF NOT TROLLING THEN - stop all the clen and bs. Eat less, keep your protein high and calories in a deficient. Pretty simple man. Their is a saying - 6 pack is made in the kitchen.

  8. #8

  9. #9
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    Clen for a pot belly


    “Used to think I knew it all, then got older”
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-17-2020 at 05:34 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    What you so get some clen like 1000mcg
    Some ephedrine say 5000mg
    And shoot them all in your veins
    Like snipers one shot one kill..

    “Used to think I knew it all, then got older”
    Someone jacked my password
    Wasn’t me

    “Used to think I knew it all, then got older”

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitmare67 View Post
    I can't believe this post. I feel like he's trolling

    IF NOT TROLLING THEN - stop all the clen and bs. Eat less, keep your protein high and calories in a deficient. Pretty simple man. Their is a saying - 6 pack is made in the kitchen.

    Nah man I'm not trolling. Everything I posted above is true.

    I'm eating very little for the next 2 weeks or so to get rid of this pot belly. Just bare minimum calories to keep me alive and alert. Clen should help.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    Nah man I'm not trolling. Everything I posted above is true.

    I'm eating very little for the next 2 weeks or so to get rid of this pot belly. Just bare minimum calories to keep me alive and alert. Clen should help.
    But you’ll rebound within a week because your diet is trash.

  13. #13
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    Clen for a pot belly

    Quote Originally Posted by Nitmare67 View Post
    I can't believe this post. I feel like he's trolling

    IF NOT TROLLING THEN - stop all the clen and bs. Eat less, keep your protein high and calories in a deficient. Pretty simple man. Their is a saying - 6 pack is made in the kitchen.
    Good advice!
    Kimbo, be good man

    “Used to think I knew it all, then got older”
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-17-2020 at 10:12 AM. Reason: Trying to be mature, trying

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiftingLevi View Post
    But you’ll rebound within a week because your diet is trash.

    Can I have a shot of your crystal ball when you're done with it?

  15. #15
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    I'd also opt for a higher calorie diet and add clen only when things are slowing down. For me 2000 is enough to lose fat.

    Apart from that, having a desk job is not bad at all. In the evening you can work hard in the gym, and during work hours you can recover really nice with some nutritious food. Eat slow acting carbs at desk and keep the fast ones pre and post workout. I really think that having a sedentary job is a huge advantage. You need to be really ambitious to go to gym after physical work.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    Can I have a shot of your crystal ball when you're done with it?
    Be sarcastic all you want. See you in a few months when you post how you need to still get rid of your belly, bruh.

  17. #17
    Love when people ask for help, and when given honest feedback they get offended and hurt, and attack those that gave honest feedback. Shows they were really wanting to hear “you’re doing great! Everything’s perfect! It will work!” Instead of the truth. So sad.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiftingLevi View Post
    Love when people ask for help, and when given honest feedback they get offended and hurt, and attack those that gave honest feedback. Shows they were really wanting to hear “you’re doing great! Everything’s perfect! It will work!” Instead of the truth. So sad.

    Dude I've 11 years and a few thousand posts on this forum... I'm used to getting all sorts of replies.

    Anyway I've made it clear that I'm basically starving myself for 2 weeks and then I'll start back training and eating normally. You can't criticise my normal diet until I tell you what it is.

  19. #19

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    Liked for the edit reason lol!
    It’s tough

    “Used to think I knew it all, then got older”

  21. #21
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    Clen for a pot belly

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    Dude I've 11 years and a few thousand posts on this forum... I'm used to getting all sorts of replies.

    Anyway I've made it clear that I'm basically starving myself for 2 weeks and then I'll start back training and eating normally. You can't criticise my normal diet until I tell you what it is.
    Kimbo, Kia lover, Fluidic
    Who else?
    Like how you talk when your a guy from NY, which I think was where kimbo lived..
    I remember you had some trouble with mental issues..I get it..try to be serious and show respect and you’ll get respect
    These guys are using there time to help you!
    “Used to think I knew it all, then got older”
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-17-2020 at 05:39 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Kimbo, Kia lover, Fluidic
    Who else?
    Like how you talk when your a guy from NY, which I think was where kimbo lived..
    I remember you had some trouble with mental issues..I get it..try to be serious and show respect and you’ll get respect
    These guys are using there time to help you!
    “Used to think I knew it all, then got older”
    As you can see from my very first post on this forum, I was 52.5kg (116 lb) when I started lifting, and 54.3kg (120 lb) the first time I took steroids:

    Eleven years later today I'm 73.5kg (162 lb) but I'd say about 2-3kg (5 lb) of that is my pot belly. So I might be 70kg (154 lb) when I'm done starving myself two or three weeks from now.

    If I start back on the gear at 70kg (154 lb) then I might make it to 80kg (176 lb) for the first time. I dunno if I'll take steroids ever again though. I had considered cruising on Boldenone but there would be a few things to consider (e.g. fertility, the size of my heart in 30 years, etc.).

  23. #23
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    Today is my third day on clenbuterol. I have taken 40 micrograms per day. I'm considering doubling my dose to 80 micrograms tomorrow and keeping it like that for two weeks.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    I started working a 9 to 5 desk job back in July, and before that I was working in a warehouse moving truck and tractor tyres around all day.

    Sitting at a desk for 6 months, I've developed a bit of a pot belly. No fat rolls or anything, just a little bit of the pregnant look.

    I started Clenbuterol today, I took one 40mcg pill.

    Here's my diet and routine for the past 3 days, and I intend to continue like this:

    5am - morning alarm, meditate for 1 hour
    6:20am - leave for work in my car
    7:30am - arrive at work
    7:45 - a bowl of watery plain oatmeal made with low fat milk
    12:30 - A chicken or tuna sandwich
    2pm - a banana
    4pm - an orange
    6pm - one hour power walking on the treadmill at full incline 5 - 6 km/hr
    7:15pm - half a cooked chicken, followed by half a handful of brazil nuts
    9:30pm - bed time

    I also drink maybe 5 cups of tea/coffee throughout the day. I also sip from a bottle of cod liver oil throughout the day.

    If I keep this up for 2-4 weeks then I should lose my pot belly. After that I might see about putting more muscle on and eating properly. Right now I'm focused on losing fat.
    That's not very many calories even if the macros aren't ideal and your job is mostly sedentary right now. Throw in the treadmill/ cardio you are doing, and I don't think you'll need the clen, I certainly wouldn't up the dosage.

    Don't try to rush it along, two of the most common things to happen quickly are mistakes and injuries.

    Just a thought, but why not dump the cod oil, drink plenty of water, stick with your current plan sans clen, and see where you are in a few weeks? Then maybe tweak your diet around.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    That's not very many calories even if the macros aren't ideal and your job is mostly sedentary right now. Throw in the treadmill/ cardio you are doing, and I don't think you'll need the clen, I certainly wouldn't up the dosage.

    Don't try to rush it along, two of the most common things to happen quickly are mistakes and injuries.

    Just a thought, but why not dump the cod oil, drink plenty of water, stick with your current plan sans clen, and see where you are in a few weeks? Then maybe tweak your diet around.
    I've stopped taking cod liver oil.

    I'm doing 5.5 hours of cardio per week. That's one hour on the treadmill five days a week, and then the parkrun on Saturday morning.

    I'm really not keen on having a pot belly like this -- I should never have let it get this bad. I think I'll keep eating very little for at least two weeks.

    The first time I took Clen, which was two days ago, it hit me like a rocket. I was very strongly stimulated. It doesn't even have a noticeable effect now two days later, which is why I think I might be able to up it to 80mcg daily. I don't think I'll go any higher than 80mcg.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    I've stopped taking cod liver oil.

    I'm doing 5.5 hours of cardio per week. That's one hour on the treadmill five days a week, and then the parkrun on Saturday morning.

    I'm really not keen on having a pot belly like this -- I should never have let it get this bad. I think I'll keep eating very little for at least two weeks.

    The first time I took Clen, which was two days ago, it hit me like a rocket. I was very strongly stimulated. It doesn't even have a noticeable effect now two days later, which is why I think I might be able to up it to 80mcg daily. I don't think I'll go any higher than 80mcg.
    Clen is not at its best when used alone and really is best reserved for the last bit of stubborn bodyfat. However, you drive your own ship, so good luck.
    I would look at it from a different angle, if it doesn't seem effective after two days, where will I be at 4 days?...6 days? 8 days?, ..etc.

    If you have been sedentary on the job, I'm thinking your cardio alone will get you there.

    Anyway, good luck.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  27. #27
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    Today is my 1st day at the higher dose of 80mcg. I'm definitely stimulated, a little tweaked. I've had self-conscious thoughts all day, a little anxiety, and if I let my mind wander then I could be a little paranoid too.

    I adjusted to the initial dose of 40mcg within a day and so I'm hoping if I take 80mcg again tomorrow then I won't be nearly as tweaky.

    By the way, if anyone reading this has recurrent anxiety or even a general sense of poor wellbeing, I'd stay away from Clen, or at the very least only take 20-40mcg. I meditate for an hour every day and I was still only just barely able to keep my paranoia in check today. If you're struggling already then avoid this stuff.

    If I'm as bad tomorrow as I was today then I'll be strongly considering dropping back down to 40mcg.

    Oh, and I've lost about 2 or 3 pounds in the past 3 days. Still doing 1hr incline cardio per day.

  28. #28
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    Your blue font makes my eyes hurt.

    Carry on...

  29. #29
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    I took my last pill at 5pm yesterday.

    This morning at 5am, my alarm went off and I woke up and I was still very stimulated, still tweaking. I have a good job and career now so I don't wanna fuck it all up by behaving paranoidly in the office.

    So I skipped my 40mcg pill this morning, and I skipped my 40mcg pill this evening too.

    Tomorrow I will go back to a daily dose of 40mcg. 80mcg was too high.

    I reckon my BF is around about the 20% mark right now, although it's hard to tell for this strange reason:
    Even when I was 17 and weighed 108 lb and had a six pack, I always had an unsual ability to push my stomach out and look like I'm 9 months pregnant. I've always been able to do that.

    So if you ask me how my stomach looks right now, well... I can tense it and you'll see a vague outline of ab's, but I can also push it out and look like I'm in my third trimester.

    Anyway I think I'll keep going with my minimal calorie diet with 5.5 hours/week of cardio and 40mcg daily of Clen until:
    (1) My BF is back down around 10 - 15%
    (2) My parkrun time is back down around 21 - 23 mins

    If this process turns out to be easy and rapid, I might go further with it and see just how lean and fit I can get. If it's difficult and slow then I might start eating normally again and drop the clen when I reach 12%.
    Last edited by Fluidic Kimbo; 01-21-2020 at 02:17 PM.

  30. #30
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    I took a 40mcg pill at noon today and I'm tweaking like fuck. Very alert and stimulated. My thoughts are running away just a little bit but nothing like when I took 80mcg.

    I ate very little again today and did an hour on the treadmill (incline) again. Almost felt like I was gonna faint on the treadmill.

    I'm due to take another 40mcg at noon tomorrow but I just hope I'm not tweaking when I wake up tomorrow.

    I'm starting to feel real food cravings. I really haven't felt like this in years. Like when I was on the treadmill I could have just gotten off and just walked straight over to the fridge and grabbed anyone's food and eaten it. I got home and ate half a chicken again, but then I took one of the chocolate bars too (it was 144 calories). I never really feel cravings like this.

    I'm down from 73.4 kg to 71.2 kg in the past 5 days.

  31. #31
    Rapid weight loss like this is the easiest to gain right back once you stop. Your body will want to hold onto to everything you eat because you didn’t taper down the diet properly

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiftingLevi View Post
    Rapid weight loss like this is the easiest to gain right back once you stop. Your body will want to hold onto to everything you eat because you didn’t taper down the diet properly

    You probably have a point but I at least want a flat stomach again. Even if I have a flat stomach without abs, it's still a lot better than a pot belly.

  33. #33
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    I'm doing ok back at 40mcg per day.

    Still amazed at how long this stuff keeps you stimulated for... I'm still wired to the moon 24 hours after I take a 40mcg pill.

  34. #34
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    Don't make a higher dose, that's more than enough. Just make sure your calorie intake is in deficit so those 40mg are really helping you out.

  35. #35
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    I think tomorrow or the day after I will have been on clen for 2 weeks. I'm still at a daily dose of 40 mcg. Do you reckon I should do two weeks on and two weeks off?

  36. #36
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  37. #37
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    Wondering the same about clen usage. Mine did not arrive yet, didn't expect the delay. Anyways, I think your body gets accustomed with it in two weeks and you need either to drop it or use a higher dose.

    Other than that there is Ketotifen which (I just read didn't try) allows users to extend their use of clen for 6-8 weeks. This last bit of info I got from a really old thread, maybe people changed conculsions since then. Link to it:
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Wondering the same about clen usage. Mine did not arrive yet, didn't expect the delay. Anyways, I think your body gets accustomed with it in two weeks and you need either to drop it or use a higher dose.

    Other than that there is Ketotifen which (I just read didn't try) allows users to extend their use of clen for 6-8 weeks. This last bit of info I got from a really old thread, maybe people changed conculsions since then. Link to it:
    Methylphenidate works much better than clen for me, it suppresses my appetite and also ramps up my metabolism. I am not saying you should take methylphenidate, however I think there are much better ways to lose weight even with no substances. I don't think you'll even need ketotifen, diet made a significant change in my life and I realized how unnecessary were the pills I swallowed to this day. The point is you are what you eat after all
    Thanks to KINGKONG for what he taught me, he's one of the most knowledgeable people around here regarding nutrition, verified from my personal experience..

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    Methylphenidate works much better than clen for me, it suppresses my appetite and also ramps up my metabolism. I am not saying you should take methylphenidate, however I think there are much better ways to lose weight even with no substances. I don't think you'll even need ketotifen, diet made a significant change in my life and I realized how unnecessary were the pills I swallowed to this day. The point is you are what you eat after all
    Thanks to KINGKONG for what he taught me, he's one of the most knowledgeable people around here regarding nutrition, verified from my personal experience..
    Thank you so much for the input. Lately I've been really tweaking my diet and monitorizing nutrient intake. It's really improtant because you have to fill every micro while consuming so few calories, even more so as a girl. I found that con flakes come with lots of iron without too many calories. And I consume oats and fruits for fibers. Potassium is always under the recommended intake (4700mg) but I'll find sources for it as well. I started without clen and this is the most I resisted in a caloric deficit with my energy level still high. Up to this point my diets were literally the hunger games with a slice of pizza a day and a cup of wine in the evening, in a week you're knockout lol.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  40. #40
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    My 5km parkrun was 30mins three weeks ago.

    Last week was 28mins. Today was 27 mins.

    I need to get right down to 22mins again. At 22mins I will then be happy with my fitness (and belly) again, and then I will start focusing on building muscle again.

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