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Thread: high frequency training program for first cycle

  1. #1
    SaxonOak1993 is offline New Member
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    high frequency training program for first cycle

    I'm in the process of planning out my first cycle, and wanted to to implement a training program to hit every muscle group three times a week. I have been working out for 7 years naturally, and have seen major progress from training small muscle groups, like arms with a three times per week frequency. My planned split is a 6 day cycle of Push/Pull workouts, with one rest day at the end of the week. I plan to hit quads on my push days and hamstrings on pull days so legs are receiving adequate volume. The program would look something like this:

    Day 1: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Day 2: Back/ Rear-delts, Traps, Biceps, Hamstrings
    Day 3: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Day 4: Back/ Rear-delts, Traps, Biceps, Hamstrings
    Day 5: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Day 6: Back/ Rear-delts, Traps, Biceps, Hamstrings
    Day 7: Off

    Does anyone here have experience with training like this? Do you believe it would cause burnout, even on cycle? All thought and critiques are welcome, just trying to create an intense program to pack on as much muscle as possible.

  2. #2
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I do a similar routine started about 4 months ago and have made some great gains sometimes I have to take a day off here or there just because Iam too sore too train..I do chest,shoulders,triceps on one day biceps,back on the next then legs than repeat its a ton of volume but seems to be working joints take a beating though..

  3. #3
    bartman314's Avatar
    bartman314 is offline Productive Member
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    wow... i'd be concerned about joint damage and not really getting enough rest to grow as much as you can. i try to hit everything 2x/week on cycle and just over 1x/week off cycle and my joints still take it hard on this protocol (but i'm 53!).

    anyways, if you do go this way, i'd appreciate a log so I (and others) can learn from your experience.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Muscles dont grow in the gym, they grow when they are resting.

    You need to have awesome genetics to grow with this kind of program, as the intensity would have to be low...

  5. #5
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    You need about 48 hours of rest between bouts of exercise. With AAS, as long as you keep your programs to 12-15 weeks, the risk of overtraining is much lower. But you have to be smart with you rest phases.
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  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your making progress who are we to tell you different but personally that program is over kill and there isn't a chance you can train each body part to its fullest to grow the biggest and thickest. More isn't better imho . I train one body part every 7 to 10 days and I train it to a stage were its got no alternative but to grow bigger.
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  7. #7
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaxonOak1993 View Post
    I'm in the process of planning out my first cycle, and wanted to to implement a training program to hit every muscle group three times a week. I have been working out for 7 years naturally, and have seen major progress from training small muscle groups, like arms with a three times per week frequency. My planned split is a 6 day cycle of Push/Pull workouts, with one rest day at the end of the week. I plan to hit quads on my push days and hamstrings on pull days so legs are receiving adequate volume. The program would look something like this:

    Day 1: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Day 2: Back/ Rear-delts, Traps, Biceps, Hamstrings
    Day 3: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Day 4: Back/ Rear-delts, Traps, Biceps, Hamstrings
    Day 5: Quads, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Day 6: Back/ Rear-delts, Traps, Biceps, Hamstrings
    Day 7: Off

    Does anyone here have experience with training like this? Do you believe it would cause burnout, even on cycle? All thought and critiques are welcome, just trying to create an intense program to pack on as much muscle as possible.

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  8. #8
    SaxonOak1993 is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the replies everyone, I have seen some huge success with training lagging muscle groups on a 3x per week frequency as a natural lifter, but of course that was on specialization programs, with the volume and frequency dialed way back for other major muscle groups. I will take the advice given and try to write a more moderate program. Cheers.

  9. #9
    MusclePupNick's Avatar
    MusclePupNick is offline New Member
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    Keep us updated with your results, SaxonOak! If it works, good for you! I myself have never trained with that much volume, but I'm interested to see your results over time with this program.

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