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  1. #41
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    Cops have their own rules, it's a club of sorts, and yes they think they are above the law. I used to be in a HOG club with a bunch of them and they were hyporcites.

  2. #42
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is a story that i heard a 16 year old male tell a police officer when him and his two friends came to the ER for a laceration some minor abrasions due to a fist fight which later turned to a stabing.. Nothing serious..

    "Officer we were at the park waiting to go to the party, you know just minding my busniess reading the bible when these kids came up to us and started trouble. So they started to bother us and picking on my friend which turned into a fight and them being unfair pulling out a knife and stabing my friend twice. Man we didn't do anything and then my other was so mad he punched a car window out and cut up his hand."

    The police officer asked him where was the bible,

    "Well sir thats why i think they attacked us cause they took the bible with them"

    I just find it funny that people who "don't have anything to hide" are still scared of the police even when they are trying to help them..

  3. #43
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    Dude as many times as I have been harrased with the cops...I still respect them and want to be one of them...they are just doing there job...if you don't do anything wrong they don't harrass you....funny how that works huh? WE hate cops because we do illegal stuff and when we get caught it is there fault.... I think it is 90% the citizens fault.
    No thats not what I said, I said I hate cops because they arrest people for the exact same stuff they do. Have you ever seen the annual Police Unions get together in Atlantic City NJ. They are out in the streets partying, yelling, everything they lock people up for. Not to mention the juicers. They juice and its cool, but if they catch you with juice they arrest you for breaking the laws they dont even follow. **** THE POLICE.

  4. #44
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    There is a big scandal in the Philadelphia Police department, it was on CBS news last night. There was a serial rapist and one night he killed this girl. The guy across the hall heard screaming and he called 911. The police pulled up and the screaming stopped. They knocked on the door and no one answered. So they left. The next day the girls brother had to find her body.

    Now had the police officers would have known that there was a serial rapist they might of been more aggressive with their immediate investigation. However the previous rapes weren't linked because when each one was reported because the investigating officers would downgrade the crime....heres the kicker, for no other reason than to have less paper work and to get home earlier. So there was more investigation in to this. It was a common practice. Old lady gets robbed, they downgrade it to a purse snatching and the file gets lost in the system. I'll see if I can dig up a link on this.

    **** the POLICE Lazy fat bastards.

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