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  1. #1
    IntensityX's Avatar
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    Swolecat Seriously

    You need your own advice column like Dear Abby or your own show like Dr Phil seems to me your talents for advice giving is being wasted for just the internet.

  2. #2
    Aboot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntensityX
    You need your own advice column like Dear Abby or your own show like Dr Phil seems to me your talents for advice giving is being wasted for just the internet.
    Um, he's not "wasting his talents just on the internet". He does have his own business that spreads his gospel.

  3. #3
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    One up on you
    IX = Brown Noser

  4. #4
    IntensityX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aboot
    Um, he's not "wasting his talents just on the internet". He does have his own business that spreads his gospel.
    Well maybe not entirely the internet but let's face it this guy deserves to have a lot more exposure granted he has gotten some exposure through his musclemag spreads but he needs a lot more then that.I'm not sucking up neither I've seen his work over the years and his advice is outstanding he's helped a whole bunch of people and that type of guy needs to have more media coverage bar none.

    I may need his services later on and I can't think of a guy well suited for advice then him.

  5. #5
    G-Force's Avatar
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    yep swole is great
    but he knows that already - you dont have to remind him or he may start having trouble getting his big head thru the door

  6. #6
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Shut it n00b

  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntensityX
    Well maybe not entirely the internet but let's face it this guy deserves to have a lot more exposure granted he has gotten some exposure through his musclemag spreads but he needs a lot more then that.I'm not sucking up neither I've seen his work over the years and his advice is outstanding he's helped a whole bunch of people and that type of guy needs to have more media coverage bar none.

    I may need his services later on and I can't think of a guy well suited for advice then him.
    I know you are not brown nosing, you are a good friend and I thank you for these thoughts. I too have been thinking of what my next "step" will be, and although I am not totally sure yet, I believe I'll cut down from my present size of 260 to 220-225 or so, get the knees TOTALLY re-habbed (almost there), and I'll be doing something down in the Hollywood area. I have a few ideas.

    More on that when the time is just right. Right now it's the new year, tons of people who need dietary assistance. Heck, you can check my Red Carpet Rollout and see all of the new clients who have come aboard, it's a good year.

    Thank you again, I really appreciate this,


  8. #8
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostsoul
    sounds like you wanna marry the dude or something.
    No, sounds as if he's known me for years and is a good guy who has a few thoughts to share.

    Sounds as if you aren't able to give anyone credit, nor let others give props.

    Also sounds like you're in 4th grade, that's just too bad. Don't worry, you'll grow up one day, it takes time.

    Eat your veggies!


  9. #9
    angelxterminator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No, sounds as if he's known me for years and is a good guy who has a few thoughts to share.

    Sounds as if you aren't able to give anyone credit, nor let others give props.

    Also sounds like you're in 4th grade, that's just too bad. Don't worry, you'll grow up one day, it takes time.

    Eat your veggies!

    LMFAO@ "eat your veggies"

  10. #10
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No, sounds as if he's known me for years and is a good guy who has a few thoughts to share.

    Sounds as if you aren't able to give anyone credit, nor let others give props.

    Also sounds like you're in 4th grade, that's just too bad. Don't worry, you'll grow up one day, it takes time.

    Eat your veggies!

    Hahahaha oh no haha

  11. #11
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I know you are not brown nosing,

    Nah he is

    JK IX

  12. #12
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    Seriously I don't see what the hype is.. Swole doesnt know anything hes small too!! Possibly gay!!

    Hahah JJ you know I got mad respects for ya! Can I have another t-shirt

  13. #13
    decadbal's Avatar
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    i think swoles just a good guy, and good guys usually give out good advice bc he cares about ppl in general, so it isnt hard for him to try and help..way to go swole.. thats my brown nose for 2005, the rest of you are all phucked

  14. #14
    Hot-Rox's Avatar
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    Swole - did you say your going Hollywood? Congrats, but don't forget about all us little guys who still need your help.
    Last edited by Hot-Rox; 01-24-2005 at 10:09 AM.

  15. #15
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    i think swoles just a good guy, and good guys usually give out good advice bc he cares about ppl in general, so it isnt hard for him to try and help..way to go swole.. thats my brown nose for 2005, the rest of you are all phucked


    Nah I agree.......some people just can't handle the "tough love" Swole gives.... but hey if you can't be adult enough to understand when someone is trying to help you then I guess you don't belong on an adult board. I personally am very greatful for all the stuff Swole has taught me. And there is my brown nose for the year as well

  16. #16
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah, tough love sometimes comes across as being "harsh" when in fact it's my way of helping, as I help a lot of people daily and it's not realistic to be able to break it down over and over repeditively 100 times a day (a common concept) so usually I offer a cliff-notes version of normal advice, and people get their panties all wadded up their respective ass-cracks.

    Oh well, I do what I can, and so far it's done well.

    Hollywood, yes, nothing major but lots of little things here/there is what I would really like to do. All I need is one foot in the door, then I can kick that b*tch wide open.


  17. #17
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    My neck of the woods......

    You'd great out here.......Home of the Freaks and Geeks........

    Good Luck. But, seriously make sure you live at the Beach......

    The panties in an uproar peoples are usually the guy's that don't know she1t anyway.
    I see their pic's and age and laugh my a$$ off.....

    SO CAL Rocks......By the way how cold are the rest of you snowed in fools????LOL

  18. #18
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I was just in Southern Cali a few weeks ago in L.A. and Disneyland and I could "feel the buzz" as I was on the freeway passing by the Hollywood sign, Universal Studios, the Capitol Records tower, etc.

    Great feeling/rush.


  19. #19
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    The energy in this town is something else......
    Overwhelming at times and Fast as He11...

    Wouldn't have it any other way......

  20. #20
    Jantzen4k's Avatar
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    swole. best of luck in cali. are trying to go into acting?

  21. #21
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jantzen4k
    swole. best of luck in cali. are trying to go into acting?
    That would be a dream come true.

    Right now, just extra parts here/there, some music videos, etc. You know, get your face/body/character seen and heard a few places, and you just never know. That's how the whole Internet and magazine thing happened, so it's pretty much the same principle although on a much larger scale.

    Never know until you try. If I fail, oh well, things are good now so it's nothing lost.


  22. #22
    IntensityX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    That would be a dream come true.

    Right now, just extra parts here/there, some music videos, etc. You know, get your face/body/character seen and heard a few places, and you just never know. That's how the whole Internet and magazine thing happened, so it's pretty much the same principle although on a much larger scale.

    Never know until you try. If I fail, oh well, things are good now so it's nothing lost.

    You and Vin Diesel should do a movie together called Twins II Panty Raid a story about 2 twins panty raiding a local college it can be one of those sex teen comedies

  23. #23
    needmorestrength's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IntensityX
    You and Vin Diesel should do a movie together called Twins II Panty Raid a story about 2 twins panty raiding a local college it can be one of those sex teen comedies
    Ok admit it you'd like them to be raiding you and your panties!! You must know Vin's Bi but I think Swoles Hetero..ask his WIFE

  24. #24
    tycin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No, sounds as if he's known me for years and is a good guy who has a few thoughts to share.

    Sounds as if you aren't able to give anyone credit, nor let others give props.

    Also sounds like you're in 4th grade, that's just too bad. Don't worry, you'll grow up one day, it takes time.

    Eat your veggies!


  25. #25
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    Got some friends in the industry.

    Don't know if I can help but willing to pass on info!!!!

    One of my crew just got a gig for a pilot on Showtime. They start filming in April so you just never know!!!!

    I myself am mostly in the midget porn scene........Not really just sounds soooo funny.

  26. #26
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMondodondo
    Got some friends in the industry.

    Don't know if I can help but willing to pass on info!!!!

    One of my crew just got a gig for a pilot on Showtime. They start filming in April so you just never know!!!!

    I myself am mostly in the midget porn scene........Not really just sounds soooo funny.
    You have a pm!


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