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  1. #1
    10wheeler's Avatar
    10wheeler is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2001

    Question lower back problem

    my lower back hurts like hell think i got it from doing military presses maybe because of my form. need help anyone of you had a problem like this before that when you are seated for a long time it starts to hurt man i cant even bend forward right now do u think this thing has anything to do with my spine hope its not that worse Ill appreciate any comments tnx

  2. #2
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    First, stop doing the military press. Now. Give your back a rest.

    Next, see a doctor and get a couple of X-rays of the lumbar spine (the lower part of the back). This will indicate whether you have any early degeneration or spinal stenosis.

    If the X-rays are clear, and once you have given your back a rest, then resume your routine. But get some feedback from others at the gym to make sure you are doing them with correct form. Also, lighten the weight in favor of more reps - you will still see results, but will not do as much damage to your back.

    Whoever said, "No pain, no gain," has never truly felt lower back pain. Whatever you do, first and foremost, play it safe.

  3. #3
    10wheeler's Avatar
    10wheeler is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    tnx for ur help tnt

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