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  1. #1
    mcm2176 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Cycle critique, if you don't mind...

    Hey guys - been inactive on the forum - life took over with a new baby boy (proud as all hell) and new career, but life has stabilized, routines have resumed, and I'm ready to continue. I have chosen a cycle to help put on some quality lean mass, as I no longer enjoy the enourmous bloated look. Currently:
    6' 2ish
    235 lbs
    9.7% bf

    Training: lift 4 day split, 2 days on, one day off. Constantly changing reps, intensity, tempo, and the like.
    Diet: Cleaned it up to about 4000 daily (will up it accordingly when cycle begins): 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat. All whole foods except for ProLab Nlarge postworkout and clif bars for snacks.

    Proposed cycle: 12 wks.
    wk 1-12: 500mg test (any recommendations? I like prop, straight enan {t400, etc} seems to bloat me and cause serious backne, and cyp I can take or leave. I have access to whatever I may need, and am grappling with idea of sust, though I've never taken it. Opinions wanted...)
    wk 1-12: 500mg tren E (again, a new one for me - love tren ace, but tired of keeping up with ED inj and the hard crash I feel post cycle)
    wk 4-8: 50mg dbol/day (another new one, but read that tren e and dbol is a great combo)

    Any and all criticisms (constructive please), and opinions greatly appreciated. Again, thanks for your time and effort, and to the all the contributing members for making this the great board that it is.

  2. #2
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Oct 2003
    If anything run the dbol from wk 1-4 not in the middle. Also I would stop the tren E at week 10, to help with recovery. Looks nice.

  3. #3
    mcm2176 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    wouldn't it make more sense to run the dbol after the test has kicked in? Seems to me that with all compunds working at once, they would have a synergistic effect compared to that of alone. Just a thought...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I'd probably jump start it 1-4 with the dbol too. And if you're gonna run test and tren together for 12 weeks, (which I have no problem with at all) I'd consider running 3 weeks of Prop at the end 12-15 before pct.

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