I am 603, 240 lbs, maybe 12-14 percent body fat, 36 yoa.
I have done one cycle of eq/winny with nice results (I know, and I learned the soft way).
I just got prescribed HRT and got some prop and test e. I have started out with the prop at 50mg per day (I will bump doseage slightly when I go to the test e). I am taking 20mg nolva per day and .5 mg letro every other day. I started the cycle 10 days ago.

It is my understanding that prop kicks quite quickly (5-7 days). The only thing it has done for me thus far is kick my ass. I'm sore as hell, which I can deal with, but I think I've had the "test flu" for the past 3 days or so (my whole body aches, lethargy). I have actually lost a couple of pounds. No strength increases. My diet is decent, 250-300 grams protein a day. Is it possible that it just takes longer for a big guy at a low doseage? Should I go up based on my size? I don't need heavy gains, and I hate water weight, but come on. Could I just be impatient? I only want to adjust appropriately for me personally to have hrt benefits with some nice lean gains.

Thank you for any responses from knowledgeable members.