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  1. #41
    icedudez's Avatar
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    where can i get a good 5 day routine from, ive messaged 1 of the guys but he hasnt messaged back yet, i am never shy to get in the gym and get stuck in

  2. #42
    sp9's Avatar
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    I would not do a cycle if I were you. You need a high calorie diet and good lifting routine nothing else. I put on height until 20. I was 6'2" at 18 and 6'4" at 20. I am glad I didn't do anyting to close my growth plates early. You should not be doing a cycel until 23-24 at the earliest, just my opinion. Good luck.

  3. #43
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    5 sets Military press or dumbell press
    3 sets rear delt fly
    3 sets lateral raises
    4 sets upright rows
    4 sets of shrugs

    5 sets of squats
    4 sets leg curls
    3 sets leg extentions
    4 sets calf raises


    4 sets pull-ups or lat pulldowns
    4 sets deadlift
    5 sets bent over rows superset with 4 sets barbell curl
    3 sets hammer curl

    4 sets incline bench
    5 sets flat bench
    3 sets flyes
    6 sets of misc. tricep stuff

  4. #44
    sp9's Avatar
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    I'm with buylongterm on this one. Are we really encouraging teenagers to juice on this board? I don't think my metal capacity or any person that I knew when I was 18 was really ready to handle the drugs at that point, and the people that did went overboard and screwed themselves up. Oh well, 18 - old enough to vote, old enough to die for your country and old enough to make life changing mistakes. Good luck to you.

  5. #45
    icedudez's Avatar
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    htats a good routine, thank u very much my good man. but i ask, how exactly can that last u more than say 30-45 mins?

  6. #46
    Nutz56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp9
    I'm with buylongterm on this one. Are we really encouraging teenagers to juice on this board? I don't think my metal capacity or any person that I knew when I was 18 was really ready to handle the drugs at that point, and the people that did went overboard and screwed themselves up. Oh well, 18 - old enough to vote, old enough to die for your country and old enough to make life changing mistakes. Good luck to you.
    not encouraging teenagers to juice. encouraging teenagers that have their mind set on juicing to juice the right way. u can tell people not to do it, but if they say "well i'm goin to anyway", u might as well help 'em out. and yes, listen to AandF on the workout. i wasn't giving you my workout to necessarily follow, because it wasn't the best. i was just telling you what i did. i would follow his routine, you will see better results. just be sure that you work every muscle to failure, since you're not going to be lifting that particular muscle for another week, it'll have plenty of time to recover

  7. #47
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedudez
    htats a good routine, thank u very much my good man. but i ask, how exactly can that last u more than say 30-45 mins?
    I usually take 3 minutes or so inbetween sets... when I'm doing squats or deadlift its closer to 4 or 5.

  8. #48
    icedudez's Avatar
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    yeh il start his routine sum time next week, how long will i be in the gym each day do u thnk with that kinda routine if y'all dont mind me asking?

  9. #49
    icedudez's Avatar
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    okay how come u take 3 minutes between sets ,??

  10. #50
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedudez
    okay how come u take 3 minutes between sets ,??
    I feel its short enough to keep a pump and long enough to recover most of my strength for the next set.... try different time periods and see what works for you.

  11. #51
    icedudez's Avatar
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    do y'all think i shud take a weight gainer?

  12. #52
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedudez
    do y'all think i shud take a weight gainer?
    I think you should add up your current daily calories and see if you need one

  13. #53
    Nutz56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    I think you should add up your current daily calories and see if you need one
    u're a lot more knowledgable than i am, but i would say that he might as well, what could it hurt?

  14. #54
    icedudez's Avatar
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    guys u given me lots of good advice, i thank you.

  15. #55
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Alright my friend... how can you overtrain at 5 days a week if your only hitting one muscle group (with the exception of arms) per day? You only work out your body once a week... DON'T superset or even try to do bis/back same day or tris/chest same day... everyone is different but that will make it WAY easier to overtrain...not to mention you don't get sh1t outta your biceps after a heavy @ss back workout... If you have enough energy left to do bis afterwards then get your ass back to some more deadlifts!!! 4 exercises 4 sets is what I would recommend... should take you 45-1hour to do... Keep the cardio down if your bulking... do your abs/calves every monday wednesday and friday... some people neglect this but if you want to be well rounded hit it... and sure you just started lifting... but I'll be honest here.. if you KNOW you want to be big... and you're training SERIOUS... then I would say do your cycle whenever your ready... (that means 5 days a week and serious Eating) And just for the record I have seen so many people blow up off of working out in the way I described... makes me pissed when my buddies change over to a similar work out and grow better than me... Good Luck!!!

  16. #56
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    5 sets Military press or dumbell press
    3 sets rear delt fly
    3 sets lateral raises
    4 sets upright rows
    4 sets of shrugs

    5 sets of squats
    4 sets leg curls
    3 sets leg extentions
    4 sets calf raises


    4 sets pull-ups or lat pulldowns
    4 sets deadlift
    5 sets bent over rows superset with 4 sets barbell curl
    3 sets hammer curl

    4 sets incline bench
    5 sets flat bench
    3 sets flyes
    6 sets of misc. tricep stuff
    Alright... not to say anything about this guys workout cuz it's solid and he knows what hes doing... but I bet you are a long way from what this guy currently is... meaning your probably not in as good of shape... as big.. or have as much muscle maturity... (this is purely speculation)... if your working on a base persay.. then it's up to you to choose but one muscle group per day fully dedicated to will give you the best work out for that muscle possible... doing multiple a day is good once you have a nice foundation and want to begin to shape that muscle a little more... by the way my theory on lifting was given to me by the same lady that prepped Mr. Lee Priest just before winning the San Francisco title... his first win in his entire career off of this ladies direction... just a thought my friend...

  17. #57
    The Baron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedudez
    hi im 18 thinking about my 1st cycle, i have a good diet, been training nearly 2 years now im thinking of starting my 1st cycle but im nervous, could any1 advice me 1 that wont make my hair fall out?? as thats 1 of the things im most worried about and id prefer a pill form rather than injecting( though ive recently been told its the only way so i kinda have to get over that ), any advice would be great thanks x
    Here's my first bit of advice... let the title of your post, when you start a new thread, reflect the content of it, so we know whether or not to read it. You will get a lot more useful replies when the subject is not "Help!" or "Advice, please!" or "Hey", stuff like that. You could have titled it something like "18YO thinking about first cycle... advice, please". It has meaning. It indicates what the thread is about.

    My second bit of advice... do not touch the gear. You will not be doing yourself a favor. Remember, the gear will shut down your own test production. Your levels now are higher than they will ever be. They are probably three times what mine are. Why waste it? It is free gear! And why use steroids to make gains that you can make naturally? That is plain silly. If you can't make good gains and approach your natural peak without drugs, then you will not make good gains or keep them well, on drugs. You are needlessly exposing yourself to risks of liver damage, abscesses, and other health problems. Your balls will shrink. (They will eventually come back, but it is demoralizing anyway) You will very likely experience temporary impotence. Imagine that... an 18YO who can't get a woody for his GF! You could be arrested and jailed, and pressured to snitch out your sources or face years behind bars where your 18YO behind will look pretty tempting to some extremely rough characters who will just laugh at your best efforts to keep your virginity. Your employment options will be limited if you are busted. People will talk all sorts of crap about you when they find out.

    Look here... there are a lot of very good reasons to use gear, and to accept many of these risks, and more that I did not see fit to mention. To get the biggest bang for the buck, you use them when test levels start dropping, or when you have reached your natural peak and want to shatter that natural barrier. You are 18 years old, full of test, and you certainly haven't trained long enough or learned enough about training and nutrition to be anywhere near your natural limits. Juice will hurt you more than it will help you. I was 43 when I did my first cycle. I don't regret it at all. If I had done my first cycle as a teenager, I am sure I would have a LOT of regrets.

  18. #58
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Your levels now are higher than they will ever be. They are probably three times what mine are. Why waste it? It is free gear! And why use steroids to make gains that you can make naturally?
    This is true... your natural levels are 3 times higher than this guys... but not even close to 1/3 of what his are when he's on cycle... so you gotta make those choices yourself... I lifted naturally for a while before juicing and I'm happy I did but in no way do i regret taking steroids ... you decide how much it's worth to you and jump if your gonna...

  19. #59
    Testify's Avatar
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    You are too young. Wait a few years.

  20. #60
    icedudez's Avatar
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    okay so people r saying different things about this new routine i shud try and start,what should i be doing if im not ready for the routine that aandf6969 suggested??

  21. #61
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedudez
    okay so people r saying different things about this new routine i shud try and start,what should i be doing if im not ready for the routine that aandf6969 suggested??
    You could drop the sets down to 3 for each exercise... how are you "not ready" to do this workout? If you eat enough you shouldn't get overtrained with a split like this, IMO.

  22. #62
    icedudez's Avatar
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    i didnt mean not ready as in not ready like that i meant cos natural high said something different. so u thnk i shud do monday chest, tues back, wed legs, thurs shoulders,friday arms?

  23. #63
    p0d0078's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Here's my first bit of advice... let the title of your post, when you start a new thread, reflect the content of it, so we know whether or not to read it. You will get a lot more useful replies when the subject is not "Help!" or "Advice, please!" or "Hey", stuff like that. You could have titled it something like "18YO thinking about first cycle... advice, please". It has meaning. It indicates what the thread is about.

    My second bit of advice... do not touch the gear. You will not be doing yourself a favor. Remember, the gear will shut down your own test production. Your levels now are higher than they will ever be. They are probably three times what mine are. Why waste it? It is free gear! And why use steroids to make gains that you can make naturally? That is plain silly. If you can't make good gains and approach your natural peak without drugs, then you will not make good gains or keep them well, on drugs. You are needlessly exposing yourself to risks of liver damage, abscesses, and other health problems. Your balls will shrink. (They will eventually come back, but it is demoralizing anyway) You will very likely experience temporary impotence. Imagine that... an 18YO who can't get a woody for his GF! You could be arrested and jailed, and pressured to snitch out your sources or face years behind bars where your 18YO behind will look pretty tempting to some extremely rough characters who will just laugh at your best efforts to keep your virginity. Your employment options will be limited if you are busted. People will talk all sorts of crap about you when they find out.

    Look here... there are a lot of very good reasons to use gear, and to accept many of these risks, and more that I did not see fit to mention. To get the biggest bang for the buck, you use them when test levels start dropping, or when you have reached your natural peak and want to shatter that natural barrier. You are 18 years old, full of test, and you certainly haven't trained long enough or learned enough about training and nutrition to be anywhere near your natural limits. Juice will hurt you more than it will help you. I was 43 when I did my first cycle. I don't regret it at all. If I had done my first cycle as a teenager, I am sure I would have a LOT of regrets.
    If your first cycle was at 43, how would you know that if you had done a cycle in your teen years you would have regreted lots of things?.

  24. #64
    The Baron's Avatar
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    Simple. Because I would look back and see how senseless it was to have wasted all the endogenous test production that I supressed and replaced with gear, and at all the gains that I could have made naturally and kept, instead of using gear and losing most of it. "Duh", I think, is the expression in vogue these days.

  25. #65
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Simple. Because I would look back and see how senseless it was to have wasted all the endogenous test production that I supressed and replaced with gear, and at all the gains that I could have made naturally and kept, instead of using gear and losing most of it. "Duh", I think, is the expression in vogue these days.
    Personally... If I was your age and looked back... I would f#cking regret NOT doing them... all that growth potential that you just didn't take advantage of... well I will and I won't regret it...

    As far as a workout goes... sure you can drop down the sets of AandF's work out but I think doing a work out like that makes the second muscle worked much weaker as it was the secondary muscle being used in the first muscles work out... well enough said... If you do this you'll get good growth... have to give it a few weeks to get used to the idea and realize that you are working out enough...

    Incline Bench or Dumbbell Press (4)
    Flat Bench or Dumbbell Press (4)
    Incline Dumbbell Flies (4)
    Flat Dumbbell or Machine or Cable Flies (4) (start with free weights)
    Optional Pullovers

    Wide Lat Pull Down (4)
    Narrow Lat Pull Down (4)
    Wide Cable Row or Dumbbell Row (4)
    Narrow Cable Row (4)
    Dead Lifts (4)

    Squats (4)
    Leg Press (4)
    Leg Extensions (4)
    Leg Curls (4)

    Military Dumbbell Press (4)
    Side Laterals (4)
    Front Laterals (4)
    Bent Reverse Flies or Reverse Machine Fly (4)
    Dumbbell Shrugs (4)
    Barbell Shrugs (4) (optional)

    Friday-Arms (train priority muscle first on this day... mine is Tris)
    Dips or French Press (4)
    Lying Single Arm Dumbbell Extensions (4)
    Push Downs (4) (optional Reverse)
    Barbell Curls (4)
    Dumbbell Curls (4)
    Concentration Dumbbell or Machine Curls (4)
    Seated Forearm Curls (4)
    Revers Forearm Curls (4)

    Friday is a long work out for me... but you get through it and although you workout 2 muscles this day they don't interfere with eachother... Also with the day set up the way it is you avoid tiring out secondary muscles... what I mean is by doing Chest Monday your tris get a little fatigued... so do back the next day and you Biceps take a little hit... but then legs the next so your upper body rests... Thursday you do you shoulders and hit a little tri but not much as most of my shoulder work out consists of Flies as they don't put so much pressure on my shoulders (which are large enough as it is)... then comes arm day where you kill the sh1t outta them... and then luckily you have 2 days rest before your next workout and your tris should be 90% by then... and that workout schedule is always flexible and being changed for myself... try it and substitute exercises where you feel its necessary but most of those have a purpose and place for me specifically... everyone is different... hope this helps...

  26. #66
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    I also took into consideration my body when I made that schedule... I have a small chest so it takes day one... you could swap shoulders and chest with very little difference... although I think you should train your priority muscles earlier in the week... (and larger muscle groups).. Good Luck

  27. #67
    RUballs0514's Avatar
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    i like 100%'s workout. def on it. its almost the exact same one i do with little variation. this is what beasts are made of. balls out

  28. #68
    icedudez's Avatar
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    excellent, **** hot workout

  29. #69
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RUballs0514
    i like 100%'s workout. def on it. its almost the exact same one i do with little variation. this is what beasts are made of. balls out
    Yep.... Beast-maker... only thing I can say is I'm sure that AandF is a prettier than me... I mean... that kind of work out is good for an asthetically pleasing look... just not much good for bulking up (for me anyways).. I'll worry about being pretty when I get to 290lbs..

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