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  1. #1
    FrEaKyThIgHs is offline New Member
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    Nov 2004

    adding Adex to a test/dbol cycle!

    Ive decided on a cycle consisting of
    10 weeks Test E 500 mg/week
    5 weeks Dbol 20 mg/ ED

    when PCT comes into mind, I have plenty of Anastrozole, so Ive decided to take it throughout the entire cycle!

    question is, how much of the gains would be inhibited by anastrozole since it blocks estrogenic activities?

  2. #2
    toc67guru is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004
    it will be dose could start it at 0.25mg every other day and judge results after 2 weeks or so then up it to combat estrogen sides(bloating,nipple tenderness) at a dose of 0.25mg every day.
    everyone is different in regards to what they can tolerate and what sides they experience and how severe they are.

    the idea is to control estrogen levels with an AI or use a serm to compete at the receptor not annihilate estrogen levels.

    in gaining size estrogen does have an input but i feel many judge their gains by the scales and not by how they look.many count the bloat weight and try to convince themselves it is quality mass.

    by controling bloat you have a better understanding of how you are gaining imo.

  3. #3
    Geeezer's Avatar
    Geeezer is offline Senior Member
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    D-Bal is alittle light>>>>>
    Go to 12 weeks on the Test
    .25 L-Dax -ED
    Nova 10 Ml ED

  4. #4
    FrEaKyThIgHs is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    k, so up the dbol to 30 mg ED?
    sounds good, prlly should do it, im just usin dbol to kickstart my gains since the test wont kick in til round week 4
    and with A-dex I would be completely annhilating the estrogen, dang.
    well to be honest I dont really care for the bloated look either, so any clue's on to how much solid muscle mass i could gain>?
    by solid i mean bloat free

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