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  1. #41
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  2. #42
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
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    I just got back from Mex about 1 hour ago, I didn't really need anything but some Nolva so thats all I brought back.

  3. #43
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    treat it like a corona, squeeze some lime in it to take out the skunk taste

  4. #44
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    50 dollars...hahahah..from what i know..the chics are usually screaming out 10 dollars for everything and anything...but im cool at the poon over there..yuk!! mexico is fun...Tj is a little suspect though..figure out how to go to rosarito instead.

  5. #45
    fanatic's Avatar
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    Ok, if I drive into Tj is there a safe place to park my rental? It will probably be easiest to find a pharmacy from within a taxi. I will just say "farmacia por favor" and he will take me. When I go into a pharmacy I will pull-out my list of manufacturers names and see what they have. After I see my choices, the bartering begins. I plan on buying about $500 worth of gear and pain meds, and I hope to get alot for that. To you guys that have done it, do you think $500 US will go far with that stuff?

  6. #46
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
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    I recommend driving across and driving back, it's easier and safer to me. Park your car at a rental place, try to find one near revolution St. there's allot of pharmacies around there but the good ones are off revolution St. Sometimes they try to jack up prices when they see your a tourist.

    I just got back from there a couple of hours ago and there wasn't to much custom's activity like usual, but then again it was around 4 or 5pm.....

  7. #47
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    Almost forgot to tell you walk around and bargain shop, thats how I do it. Don't settle for the first one.....

    If your looking for some good Vet stuff I know of a pretty good one, EXACTLY NEXT DOOR TO MY FAVORITE STRIP CLUB IN TJ!!!! The strip club is called Moddona's and anyone on that street will point you to it..
    right next door. When you walk in it looks like a perfume/pharmacy spot but walk to the back and ask the short chubby lady to let you see the anabolico's and she'll say suuuuuuureee.......right this way to the back......she's got everything in a big brown cut box.....It's 1 of my spots....

  8. #48
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    "TAPE em to your balls"... thats retarded and somthing only an inexperienced little kid would try and do. Thats Funny, and thats also exactly how my boys got caught walking listen to wildchild hes leadin you the right direction. You wont need a cab they just try and stiff you for your money thats how they get paid by Hustleing tourist. Revolution St is not vary big so you can walk the whole thing in a matter of 10 min. But itll take you longer to hit up all the pharmacies cause there are quite a few, there like 7-11's here, there everywhere over there. One vary good tip i will let you in on is that all those pharmacies keep in vary close contact with eachother its like they have eachother on damn speed-dial or somthin.once you get a price quote if your bargain shoppin your most likely to get the same exact price across the street. So bring a hommie with you take turns on going in to ask for the shit.Now i have a sweet connect and i dont mess with the local pharmacies on Revolution st anymore.But all of my trips are for meds not gear. yeah rosarita is alot better then TJ. I love Rosarita its a blast last summer i went there with my boys and got a hotel on the beach for 5 days,,soo much fun..if you can,, try to get into Insanada Mex. thats just past Rosarita where there are few tourist and your best chances are to find what your looking for cheep there. its about 1-2 hrs from Tj depending on yur drivin skills..!
    but well worth the trip. bring dollar bills with you if you plan on driving into rosarita or into insanada because you have to pass through checkpoint but there more like pay stations to get to the next town, you gotta pay a few bucks i think its like $2.5 or some shit and you dont wanna be handin them a $20 bill. they all got guns on there shoulders and there wearing camo army gear or somthin ,and that makes me a littlle nervous...but not to worry if you dont to anything stupid or smart off then your kool... noo need to worry youve got all the info you need. nobody told me half the stuff you been gettin off this forum and everything went well for me my first time..soo have fun and good luck brotha....and if you want a clean girl thats not some hooker standin in the midle of the street wavin her pussy around it will cost you $50-$100 but well worth the cannot step into a good stip club here in the US and get laid for anything less then $500. ill be makin another trip to MEX soon..this next month and all this talk about it is getting me bro ... ... ...

  9. #49
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  10. #50
    Big Rig's Avatar
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    Hell, I think I'm going to Mexico now!

  11. #51
    fanatic's Avatar
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    Well... Im in a public library in san diego right now. Im getting ready to head to enterprise to rent a car and go. Thanks alot for the info fellas. I'll let you know how it went (unless Im in jail lol).

  12. #52
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
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    Good luck bro........

  13. #53
    bigdogc is offline Associate Member
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    how much money do you make if you resale stuff from mexico. IE oxycoton vicodin AAS. sounds like an easy way to make money if you live in texas

  14. #54
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    im not sure it all depend on how much the street price for pharmacutical narcotics are are in texas. ive never been to texas,,so i couldnt tell TJ mex usually when you have a good connect the average is gonna save you 2/3 of the price compared to youll only be paying 1/3 of the price there when you pay out the ass in US. here in las vegas oxycontins depending on the strength go anywhere from $20-80 each pill...i got collage kids that come all the way from cedar city utah to pick of a hundred or more at a time for themselves and all the rest of the campus over there. lol ....funny everytime i see em come threw they have some new way of takin them fu*kers.ive heard they crush em then snort em. or suck all the time release coating off too get the whole thing in one shoot.Oxy by far is the most demanded street narcotic that brings in almost 100% profit. other then heroin..which i do not **** with.

  15. #55
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    I had a delay... I have to buy extra insurance if I want drive the rental into mexico, so I didn't go today. I may have to drive to the border and walk in. I really dont want to do that though. He**, maybe I'll just pay the $27 for "Mexican Insurance". I plan on buying about $500 US worth of stuff so we'll see. Ill keep everyone posted.

  16. #56
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    Bro I would tell you not to get it but it's your first time going and it's best if you do...Motherf**kers out there drive like there on crack and drunk at the same time...And they don't give 2 dead fly's if they hit you...They'll just leave...

  17. #57
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    Well... I did it! As it turns out, I can't drive a rental into Mexico anyway since I'm not 25. So I decided to buy some seran wrap and walk in. Then, a funny thing happened: I was loking for a place to park before I got to the border and ended up driving into Mexico. I ended up finding my way through the dumb-a** Mexican drivers (wildchilds right about driving down there) and back to border. I was kind of scared evn though I didnt have anything; I thought they'd ask for my insurance and that they'd see that wasnt supposed to drive to Mexico. Anyway, I waited in line for about 40 minutes, with the all the people standing in the middle of the highway peddling sh*t. When I got the line the guy asked why we came to mexico. I told him that "honestly, it was an accident. I meant to park in the US and walk in". He just laughed and said that is happens alot. He did ask to check my trunk though. He checked it and saw the two boogyboards and shut it. We drove back to the US. After that, I knew that i could get away with driving back in. He**, I was with my girlfriend... we didnt look very suspicious. An hour or so later I drove back in to Tj. I parked in a rental lot and started to walk. I saw several pharmacies close to the border but, from all of the great info I got from this forum, I knew that these places were probably wrip-offs. I got some prices and decided that I needed to go to Revolution St. I told the cabby to take me to Madonna's on Revolution just like wildchild told me to. I went in and it was just like he said... a place that looked like a prefume shop. I went to the back and a short, chubby, nice-as-he** mexican lady asked if I needed some help. I told her that I was looking for some anabolics. She then proceeded to pull out boxes of "samples". I really was like a "kid in a candy store". They had everything I wanted except masteron . I ended up getting about $500 worth of stuff. It will be enough for 12-14 weeks of prop, enan, eq, clen , nolva and clomid! I couldnt believe how cheap the stuff was. All I have to say is that I will NEVER buy from a "source" again. Ill just fly to San Diego and buy my own stuff. Anyway, after I bought it all she asked how I was going to sneak it back. I asked her if she had any suggestions. She actually helped us "bag and tape" it all! I joked with my girlfriend that this lady was a mexican, streroid consultant-version of my mother. lol to be continued...
    Last edited by fanatic; 05-19-2005 at 04:41 PM.

  18. #58
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    anybody know about mailing back gear directly from mexico ?

  19. #59
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    ...I didnt get to finish the story; I ran out of time at the library. Anyway, I ended up bringing it all back. My girl and I were nervous as he** but we knew what to expect (since we accidently went through earlier) so that helped. We got up to the line and prayed (like God would help a 'roid smuggler... funny stuff) that it wouldnt be the same that we saw earlier. Luckilly it wasn't and we got through without a prob. I plan on hitting it up again before I leave- it was that easy. If it wasn't for the rental insurance I would not worried. If you have your own car, its no problem at all. Thanks for all the help fellas.

  20. #60
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    oh yeah, I just have to see if mailing it all home works. It should be pretty easy though.

  21. #61
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
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    Glad it worked out for you.......

  22. #62
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    It worked so well Im planning on doing it again. lol Anyway, theres been some questions about Mexico and stuff so I thought Id bump this back up.

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