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  1. #1
    gocards1 is offline New Member
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    Need serious weight loss

    I have tried running on treadmills, walking and diets. I have always had moderate at best results, and I really need to drop about 50lbs. At one point I had my hands on a couple boxes of clen but couldnt pull the trigger. I am now ready to make an effort to do this. What Im asking is what is the best
    "supplements" to help me out with this. I have began to walk every night for about an hour. (my knees are not really up for jogging from years of college sports) So if I continue to walk an hour or more a night what can i take to help out. Thanks guys

  2. #2
    gocards1 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2005
    need some help guys

  3. #3
    freakintraining's Avatar
    freakintraining is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    try to do walking in the morning right when you wake up, that would work the best.... do incline walking on a treadmil for 30 mins atleast...... for me i would peak out at incline level 10 and speed level 4...... just work your way and i promise you will sweat and lose weight. Make sure your diet is good can't be eating macdonolds and burger king.... eat 1 gram of carbs per each body lb and 2 grams of protein per each body lb. eat good fats like peanut butter, flax, nuts, etc.. do cardio 5 times a week atleast and if you want, you could add an ECA stack or the clen you were talking about.... that would speed up the fat losing. hope any of that helped.

  5. #5
    ccriderss is offline New Member
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    A real diet, hard work and cardio mixed with moderate weight lifting..... The more muscle you have on your body...the better you metabolize and use up what you take in..... high protein....with a good amount of complex carbs ( wheat,oats ,grains) with little or no sugar and little fat will be a good place to start... try eating more frequently during the day but eating a little less each time.... and if u must snack... take a protein bar.... or some Special K cereal or some fruit. Steroids are not for you at this point..... you must make progress first and make sure you are dedicated to this weight loss program before you start the juice.... you also must make sure you are in good enough physical condition to handle the juice because they CAN be hard on the body... Dont be on a diet that starves you... this cause your body to become catabolic (eats muscle for energy... not fat...also insulin surges which stores fat) its not about how little you eat... its about what you eat

  6. #6
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    yes good point, if you ate oat meal every morning for breakfast and some egg whites..... that would be a great way to start the day..... throughout the rest of the good! you can figure out what else is good i'm sure. good luck....actually you won't need luck, cause this WILL make you lose the weight you want to lose.

  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by gocards1
    I have tried running on treadmills, walking and diets. I have always had moderate at best results, and I really need to drop about 50lbs. At one point I had my hands on a couple boxes of clen but couldnt pull the trigger. I am now ready to make an effort to do this. What Im asking is what is the best
    "supplements" to help me out with this. I have began to walk every night for about an hour. (my knees are not really up for jogging from years of college sports) So if I continue to walk an hour or more a night what can i take to help out. Thanks guys
    All of the cardio in the world won't do jack shit if your nutritional approach does not support your fat loss efforts. Same goes for supplements whether they be over the counter or otherwise.

    Let's see your impeccable diet!


  8. #8
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    The key to fat loss is through your diet, as most members know. Post your diet in the "diet forum" so we can help you.

  9. #9
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    gates of hell
    Cut out all High GI carbs, eat unsaturated fats, go biking or swimming if you cant run (walking isnt intense enough), drink loads of water (1 gal +/day) and take clen for the extra edge (not required tho).

    I would stay away from t3, t4, and dnp bro.

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