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  1. #1
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005

    question about cutting cycle

    what exactly is a cutting cycle?

    is it loosing the water and fat only?

    or you do gain a little amount of lean mass during?

    (i have been reading alot now i feel im all lost again)

  2. #2
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    This is the basics as I understand it... you cut down your carb and fat intake intake just as you would on a normal cutting diet, only normally you would loose a certain amount of muscle also, the gear you take on a cutting cycle is usually less potent than what youd take for bulking but they prevent muscle loss and probably make some smaller gains also, there is nothing special about cutting roids you still have to plan a good diet and a good routine including cardio, there is loads more info in the diet section and some sample cutting diets. good luck.

  3. #3
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005
    thanks for the reply

    so the gear for cutting does give u a bit of gains. hmmmmmmm.......

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    gear you would use for cutting cycle are the faster acting tests,the ones what will not hold water, harden and and help to support fat loss, you will also gain quailty muscle and more or less keep all the gains becuase your not running any water, normaly you would use these product when dieting and wanting to lose body fat and this type of gear would help to maintain your muscle and help the whole process to cut up

  5. #5
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Post your stats and prev cycle exp and you goals and its easier for someone to answer you fully. If you want gains then do a bulking cycle if you want to shape your allready developed physique then do a cutting cycle

  6. #6
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    gear you would use for cutting cycle are the faster acting tests,the ones what will not hold water, harden and and help to support fat loss, you will also gain quailty muscle and more or less keep all the gains becuase your not running any water, normaly you would use these product when dieting and wanting to lose body fat and this type of gear would help to maintain your muscle and help the whole process to cut up

    why do they all say use test e for a first cycle?

    i dont want water gains im lloking for solid gain. i rather gain 5 solid than gaining 20 from water.

  7. #7
    ecstacy-_- is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Post your stats and prev cycle exp and you goals and its easier for someone to answer you fully. If you want gains then do a bulking cycle if you want to shape your allready developed physique then do a cutting cycle

    28, 5'10 ,190 ,15% bf been training for years but hard the last one and half

    never used roids

    my goal is to gain pure solid muscle mass

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