G,day all ,my name is Josh I live in Sydney , this is my first post . Ive learnt a lot here already, quiet a forum you have going here.Ive recently been bitten by your bug (actually swollowed them) stanazolo,anyway did a very short course of them and that was enough for me to want to go further down this road. Im makeing a comeback to football(rugby that is) and im wondering what steriods are suitable for running pretty much flat out for 80 minuets? Ive been training solidly for 4 mth's, our pre-season starts end of Jan , with first game late March. Im worried about starting a course and it not enableing me to do a proper pre-season. Or could l wait untill pre- season is over and then start ie run course thru season? Im 33 years old , l dont have many seasons of rugby left ,im not keen on getting injured either. Any help on getting this old bloke back on the paddock would be great.
Few stats
age - 33
height - 5'11"
weight - 226
looks - very farken handsome.