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  1. #1
    psychopath is offline Junior Member
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    prop/suspension mix... ouch?

    I got my hands on ** prop/suspension mix @ 200mg/ml. Just thinking about that makes my muscles hurt. I was planning on doing straight prop. but if any1 has followed my cycle, its been nutin but a mess....although i did salvage my buddies tren for those of u who read.. anyways, my question goes out to any1 who has experience with this product. I can deal with injection pain, but this sounds like its goin to leave me immobile. Im also stacking it with homemade tren, and i understand that stings as well. Is this product worth the pain? and will stacking it with tren pretty much strap me to my bed and out of the gym? If so what can i do to reduce any post-injection pain, if anything? any help is appreciated. Thanx in advance.


  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ok bro...if you're gonna use it here's what you can expect. First of all, it contains what it claims so you should gain. However the trade off is more than just a lot of pain. The BA content is high...very high. For that reason alone, the man himself recommends NO site injections. I was shooting my bis, tris and delts and the pain was brutal. But the worst part was what began to happen after a few weeks. When I aspirated, a brownish-red goo came rushing back into the syringe. It freaked me the fuck out!! I later learned that it was dead blood and fat cells that had gathered to repair the minor tissue damage from the high BA content. Silverfox (eye_candy) and Nathan had similar experiences with his oils. So, use it if you want (you've already got it) but I'm going to recommend that everybody else stay away. Just my .02.

  3. #3
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    i still don't understand why people use his shit! i know it's relatively cheaper but, i mean, my gosh, if you are that poor, don't juice!

  4. #4
    psychopath is offline Junior Member
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    Poor? this shit cost me 200 bucks. Ive been scammed more by "legit" sources than locals, you gotta do what u gotta do. i get shit for 9 months straight and then it just stops? yet the guy is "still around". anyways, ive spent a lot more on this cycle than most people do in 2. it sucks, but again, it means that much to me. So me being poor is a very poor accusation.

  5. #5
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    sorry bro, i didn't mean to imply that you are poor...just that, generally speaking, people buy his shit because it's cheaper..that's all...sorry for the confusion and good luck with your cycle!

  6. #6
    psychopath is offline Junior Member
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    Its kool bro, i got a little testy, damn roids Friggin locals, they are VERY expensive. I mixed my first @ 3/4cc with eq, so far no problems, we'll see tom. morning Peace

  7. #7
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Yep i site injected Prop/Suspension into the bi's the actual shot wasnt bad, but over the ext few days the whole area turned RED and got inflammed.

    I found that when I mix my Prop/Susp mix with my homemade Tren , then irritation was lessened. I shot Delts, quads, calfs and glutes with this mix and never had redness or irritation again, but damn were those areas sore for a good 3 days after injection.

  8. #8
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    PS. I ran out of Tren , so now Im shittin it, cause I have NO CLUE what the hell to mix my Prop/Susp for the next 3 days!!!

  9. #9
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Someone makes an additive that is suppose to take the pain away from **'s injectibles. You may want to look into it.

  10. #10
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    you can use sterile oil to mix with can obtain this from just about any fina kit distributor...if you need help, pm me

  11. #11
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    well i only have 3 more days left in this cycle (including today) sO im just gonna bite the bullet on this one and live with the pain. But for all those that hate on ** products let me just say this Prop/Suspension mix is AWESOME im in a buloking cycle and decided to add Prop/Susp the last 2 weeks (sinc ei wasnt doing Enanthate /Deca anymore), and the this shit is SHREDDING me and adding some more muscle. This is definitely gooood shit, as painful as it may be

  12. #12
    2Big4you is offline New Member
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    I used almost all his gear, Here is a little trick, put the syringe in the micorwave for 30 seconds, (take off the needle) It might sound crazy but I had no pain at all after this. With this I was sticking everyother day with no was great, the results were awesome!!!


  13. #13
    tanguy is offline Associate Member
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    pete i have read on a few boards that baking it in the oven will help lower the ba. is this true? i am going to put my whole vial of sus 300 in the oven. also putting a pin in the top to release air. then im adding 1cc of his eq to each of my going to run each pin under warm water in my sink before injecting as well. i hear all these techniques work for easing the pain with his gear. i have done his cyp. i added one cc of ganabol to each of my pre loaded cyp shots and had no pain. i use the spoon method as well. the shots were just about pain free.

  14. #14
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    TG....I used the microwave method for a few of my shots (take off the pin and nuke for 30 seconds) and it did seem to help. But the cellular damage still occured. Like I said, his stuff works, but to me it's just not worth the risk (JMO). Good luck fellas, let us know how you make out.

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