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  1. #1
    joe8489 is offline New Member
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    First time user of gear. 4 week cycle of Stanozolol. Advice sought.

    Hi all

    I am new to this thread so go easy on me.

    I have just started my first cycle of Stanozolol and I wanted to run it by some online experts to see if I can get any useful tips on diet, cycle strategy and general workout plan.

    Here is a bit about me to help tailor your response to my queries-


    -31 yrs old.
    -183cm (6ft).
    -Been training since age of 18, so approximately 13 years.
    -Italian background, thick boned and very good genetics for building muscle growth and muscle retention.
    -Never had any issues with putting on size, even during periods of having a break.
    -Never done gear, this will be my first cycle.
    -Have prided myself on being ‘natural’ but as the buddy gets older, the mind starts to move towards the “ah fcuk it -why not” mentality. (Which is where I am at now)
    -I am fit. I don’t smoke. Drink socially. No recreational drugs.
    -I am taking multi vitamins, Vitamin b Complex, fish oil, L-glutamine, Whey Protein Powder twice daily (35g each time)
    -Doing the occasional ECA stack.
    -With ECA, I am using the synthetic ephedrine (as I live in australia and eph is banned (in all forms). I take the following stack twice daily: 120mg Psuedoephedrine, 200mg caffeine, 100mg aspirin.
    -I am also weaning myself off anti depressants called Zoloft, which i am 3 weeks away from coming off completely. (i thought I would throw that in there because so many supplements say “consult a doctor is you are taking medication for high blood pressure, depression, etc etc)


    I train about 5 days a week. Consisting of 30 mins weights, 30 mins cardio. Weights first, then cardio, then abs (5 mins)

    Something along the lines of:
    Day 1. Sho/Bis/abs/cardio;
    Day 2. Chest/Tris/cardio,
    Day 3Legs/abs/cardio,
    Day 4. Back/cardio;
    Day 5 Cardio/Abs


    to shed about 8-10 pounds in 4 weeks as I am heading to Europe on July 15 for 2 months. Just want to be lean and hard for the beaches and the b**ches (if you know what i mean). So I would like to go from 210 Lbs to 200lbs in 4 weeks.


    I have purchased a bottle of Stanozolol (RWR 20ml) and just took my frist shot last night (damn my cheek is sore!). I researched it quite a bit before purchasing it and spoke to a lot of friends who have taken gear before so I am going into it with ample knowledge I believe.

    My strategy at present is to take 50mg 'every other day' for say 2 weeks (week 1 & 2), then pyramid it so for a week (week 3) I will I will be taking 50mg daily. Then for the final week of my 4 week cycle (week 4), I will go back to 'every other day'. Until I stop it on July 15 (then jump on a plane to Rome).

    I am not taking Stana with anything else. Its a stana only cycle. I am not looking at putting on anymore size whatsoever. Hardening and ripping is my main goal. I am not expecting to see my body transform dramatically but I do expect to see some difference in defintiion and muscle depth after one month. I have a good strong physique and I only need to lose a hand full of pounds to be back to what I was about 1 year ago.


    I have attached 2 photos of me. One of me taken today and one of me taken about 10 months ago. The photo 10 months ago is when I was about 202 pounds. You can see that there is a bit of difference in the lines and the separation of the muscle. Which was achieved with mininal fat loss. So as you can see I am not too far away from my goal. Anyway....


    1. Is there a better way in taking stanozol in your opininion, given its my first time on gear? Or is the way I am proposing to take it good enough for the 4 week period?

    2. Given my time constraint (heading overseas in 4 weeks), is there anything else I can do to aid me with my goal of fat loss.

    3. Are there any vitamins or other supplements I should be taking given I am taking steroids . (ie. Anything to help my liver, to help with the future “pain in my arse!!”)

    4. I have no clue when it comes to food. At present, I just eat everything under the sun and I am lucky I am not a fat cnt (i am sure that will change if I ever stopped training – which will never happen btw), so my question is, can anyone point me in the right direction in terms of a low carb/high protein diet that will assist me with my goals? Or are there any other foods I should definitely be eating on this 4 week cycle?

    Thanks guys, your help on this is much appreciated

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First time user of gear. 4 week cycle of Stanozolol. Advice sought.-10-months-ago-now-sadly-.jpg  

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    So you are trying to burn more fat? (Correct me if I am wrong) If that is the case, then Winstrol is not what you are looking for.

    Winstrol is more of a cutter, not a fat burner. If you have reached a max from dieting and exercising, and you need something extra, then I would consider going with T3 or Clen , or a combo. But be careful with both of them and do some research on them, they are nothing to be played around with. Both are very strong.

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Welcome to AR

    not to be harsh, but you should have come here BEFORE starting this cycle as it is NO GOOD

    you ARE taking it wrong first of all and 4 weeks won't do much anyway

    do you know what Winny does to your natural testosterone ?
    Did you research that?

    Do you know what PCT is?
    Did you research that BEFORE starting this?

    Do you know what having NO testosterone running through your body does to you?

    If you just started, I would STOP NOW !!!!!

    IF those are current pics, you look pretty decent....dont screw up your body over trying to lose a few pounds that you could easily lose by adjusting your diet

    we have a great diet section here, they will help you with what to eat and when

  4. #4
    garbageman18 is offline Junior Member
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    1)most people are gonna tell you to not use winstrol without test.
    2) would run winstrol for 6 weeks at the end of a test cycle rather then 4 but giving your time frame you can use clen and would do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. i would stop the winstrol.
    3)the diet forum has some great basic diets for you to check out andtweek a little bit to make your own.

  5. #5
    joe8489 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4****** View Post
    So you are trying to burn more fat? Winstrol is more of a cutter, not a fat burner.
    yes i am trying to lose fat, but i also want to harden up.

    I am not quite sre what you mean when you say cutting up. Isnt cutting up = losing body fat, thereby giving you more of a 'cut' look?

    Im from Australia (presumably you guys are in the US), so when us gym junkies and every day joe blows say "he looks cut", it basically means that the guy have good definiation (which is a function of body fat levels).

    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Welcome to AR
    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post

    do you know what Winny does to your natural testosterone ?
    Did you research that?

    Do you know what PCT is?
    Did you research that BEFORE starting this?
    Yeah I did research it , but the consensus was very mixed as to whether winny should be taken injunction with test or whether it can be taken on its own and still yeild results. The consensus was very much 50/50. So it was confusing to say the least.

    Quote Originally Posted by garbageman18 View Post
    would run winstrol for 6 weeks at the end of a test cycle rather then 4 but giving your time frame you can use clen
    I got the shakes on Clen when I tried it about 5 years ago. Tried it for 2 days and felt ancious / nervous and hands shook so i immediately stopped. Yes, I have heard guys on it have great results but I have also heard about guys whose hearts feel like they were going to pop outa their chests.

    Quote Originally Posted by garbageman18 View Post
    i would stop the winstrol.
    are you saying that winny will do absolutely nothing for 4 weeks?

    At the end of the day , I want to get harder and maintain , maybe grow slightly , my lean muscle mass. I have had decent size before and with I know that with more mass or denser muscles, your metaboilic rate increases, hence the fat burning can be somewhat easier.

    Anyway, I look forward to hearing your replies

    Last edited by joe8489; 06-19-2009 at 03:51 AM. Reason: typo

  6. #6
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    well, you got my reply, its up to you if you want to listen to experience or go with what you think is best.....

    good luck

  7. #7
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    the look you want for the bitches and beaches, will not matter if your pecker dont work..

    i made that mistake with winni, dont do it man.

    stock up on viagra bro, you will need it if you continue...

  8. #8
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    First off great write up for your first post. Pretty much tells us everything.
    Its not best to run winny alone but me personally i have no problem with it but you def need a pct if you are going to continue on with it. Also 4 wks is to short.

  9. #9
    garbageman18 is offline Junior Member
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    im not gonna say its gonna do absolutely nothing. Im saying if it was me I wouldnt run it for 4 weeks and I wouldnt run it without test.

  10. #10
    garbageman18 is offline Junior Member
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    right now im running Test E 500mgs a week and adding in winny 50mgs a day at week 5 for 6 weeks

  11. #11
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    First off, Hey T-MOS! I've been busy for a few days.Like the avy.
    Anyways,Listen to the vets on this one.As usual, T-MOS is on the prowl....But his advice is not to be questioned.Period!Your stats you listed are written excellent.Good work on that!But you need to do your homework.You will learn more on this site than anywhere else.If someone list something screwy,Your going to hear it.......

  12. #12
    joe8489 is offline New Member
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    No need for PCT ...apparently

    This was part of the reply I got from the other forum I posted on a few days earlier regarding PCT..

    "....Also, there is no need for PCT with winstrol. So just come off and your done. No worries....
    another post poster wrote:
    Why the hell no man??!
    From the BigCat man himself...

    "There is no need for an anti-estrogen as Winny may have such a property of its own and does not aromatize at any rate. The only counter-indication with Winny would perhaps be an anti-hypertensive if you use for a longer stack. Be sure to get liver values checked if you use for longer than 6 weeks on end. There is no real use for Clomid or Nolva post-cycle for Winny specifically since there is no post-cycle aromatisation to cause negative feedback. That makes whatever gains you made on Winny quite easy to maintain."

    Now I am not necessarily saying that I completely agree with everything BigCat has said, but I do believe he is very knowledgable about this stuff. As always, steroid use is an individual thing, and what works for one person, may not work in another person. Just my thoughts...
    I was told by a few people that there wasnt any need to do PCT

    Is there any merit in this?

  13. #13
    spooledup's Avatar
    spooledup is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Do you know what having NO testosterone running through your body does to you?
    One of the most incorrect parrot phrases on this board.

    All compounds have various levels of suppression. Different individuals respond differently to the same compounds. My expereince doing EQ/stan cycles is that neither completely suppresses me, and recovery is easy. I have heard of only one case where the guy had erection issues after several weeks into a stan only cycle. Most people that I have talked to do not get completely suppressed.

    Very ironic how the same people who say not to do a cycle without test will tell you to take 250-500mg/wk test, which is several times what your body would normally produce. Certainly not the healthiest thing you can do to your body.

    When I do use test I have a stronger libido on 250/400 wk Test/EQ than on 500/400wk Test/EQ. On 500/400 my sex drive is crap. And the compound that suppresses me the most, and is the hardest to recover from, is testosterone .

  14. #14
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spooledup View Post
    One of the most incorrect parrot phrases on this board.

    All compounds have various levels of suppression. Different individuals respond differently to the same compounds. My expereince doing EQ/stan cycles is that neither completely suppresses me, and recovery is easy. I have heard of only one case where the guy had erection issues after several weeks into a stan only cycle. Most people that I have talked to do not get completely suppressed.

    Very ironic how the same people who say not to do a cycle without test will tell you to take 250-500mg/wk test, which is several times what your body would normally produce. Certainly not the healthiest thing you can do to your body.

    When I do use test I have a stronger libido on 250/400 wk Test/EQ than on 500/400wk Test/EQ. On 500/400 my sex drive is crap. And the compound that suppresses me the most, and is the hardest to recover from, is testosterone.
    Hmmmm so I am a Parrot now am I.....OK whatever

    SO, let's see, with YOUR theory of being PARTIALLY suppressed,(which I am not sure I buy) I dont' need any exogenous test while running suppressive compounds correct??

    SO, lets say I am a male, age mid 40's with test levels already on the decline

    AND, lets say maybe producing 50-60mgs of endogenous Test per week (just for argument sake)

    SO, now you have me taking a "Partially" suppressive compound that WON"T shut me down completely (according to YOU ) but now instead of having my already mid to low 50 mgs of test flowing, I now only have 10-20 mgs/week flowing

    AND you feel this is NO cause to add exogenous Test????????

    NO THANKS.... I will stick to being a Parrot....Sqwack......

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