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Thread: red blood cells

  1. #1
    thegame01's Avatar
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    red blood cells

    hey everyone i was just wondering as i am getting ready for my second cycle of test and EQ. What does an increase in red blood cells mean due to the EQ. I know it means more O2 for the muscle s as those cells are responsible for that . But what about side effects that other AS dont have do to the red blood cell increse .Do they return back to normal after and is there any negative things about having a high count.

    I heard nothing but good things about EQ but i just want to educate myself a little more about those red blood cells .


  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    this means you will be pumping more blood cells per milliliter of blood, therefore expanding the size of your veins...hence the potential vascularity improvement.

    think of running a garden hose then increasing the water pressure to the pressure of a fire hose so that it expands...when everything is said and done the hose will retain its new shape to accomodate for the change.

    that is basically what happens to the vein as it gets larger to accomodate more blood flow...look at pictures of hemodilators like N02 that show the engorged cells if u need any visual.

  3. #3
    Boxer101's Avatar
    Boxer101 is offline Junior Member
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    You have nothing to worry about in that department as far as EQ goes. In extreme cases of elevated hemocrit levels you actually thicken the blood to a point where you face problems with heart attack or stroke but no AAS's will raise your hemocrit that high. The only thing I can think of off hand that would have that kind of capability would be EPO. At most you might experience some increased endurance from the higher levels of O2 in your blood and probably a slight increase in blood pressure but that would be all I would expect.

  4. #4
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    Indeed. Blood Pressure will raise for SURE. When you increase the amount of blood in a vein it will increase the pressure against the walls of the vein. The high number of BP is pressure while blood is pumping and the low BP is pressure in between pumps (resting). Both will increase and it varies by individual.

  5. #5
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    i would strongly urge anyone who is concerned about blood pressure to buy a machine for your home. Mine is automatic, and cost something like $40-and it works great. EQ gave me high blood pressure for a while. before and during my next cycle, i plan to document my bp levels every day.

  6. #6
    wood's Avatar
    wood is offline Associate Member
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    I used the ones at grocery stores when I was on my first cycle. It's real cheap...0$

  7. #7
    thegame01's Avatar
    thegame01 is offline Member
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    ya i have a BP monitor at home . My bro's bp is a little high but nothing too concerning .Both our bp never went up on deca on our first cycle .

    Thanks for the replies guy's

    Now Daem what about this new size of veins .wouldnt that be a good thing even after if it stay's bigger .Wont it tend to (the blood ) not clot as much in a bigger area or is this just stupid thinking .or does widdening your veins make them weaker ?

    What about your arteries are they changed .They carry non O2 blood back to the heart right ?


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